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After seeing this sparkle. I might do a metal flake - maybe a flake burst?

Making necks is all about tools - a few key tools make it much easier. Luckily, Matt has decided he wants to have those tools!

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Indeed Wes. Here is a pix of the original in 1965. The new boat has been painted in the the same color scheme, the new one is classic Corvette yellow. It is currently wrapped up or I'd go out and take a picture. I'm currently building up a lower unit with a different gear ratio. When done I'll take it back to the lake.



Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Thanks for the kind words guys. And hey Mike, in retirement, all things are possible.

I do have a couple of Richard's blonde amps on the bench that I absolutely, positively need to get done.....and soon.

Chris with that grain you should do the translucent blonde finish.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Sonichris wrote:

After seeing this sparkle. I might do a metal flake - maybe a flake burst?

Making necks is all about tools - a few key tools make it much easier. Luckily, Matt has decided he wants to have those tools!

See? Never mind the boats; I would never have thought of building a neck. To many things to screw up with these tight tolerances. Nothing you can hide behind a coat of heavy epoxy.

Flakes are my favorite. Make sure you get the big ones!
(mine are regular, cool but just not sparkly enough)


Hey G-man, that looks pretty flakey from here. Just kidding you. I like that that. Kind of lake placid blue on steroids.

I may build boats but I sure can't paint them, or paint anything. I hate paint and anything that has to do with paint.

Did I mention that I have a strong dislike for painting?

No, I didn't paint the new boat. I paid someone else to cob it up.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

'58 Junior in for a refret and bone nut. First year double cutaway, this thing is killer!

That thing is cute. Although they will do more, I always thought of them as one of the quintessential R&R rhythm guitars

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I went to Guitar Center recently armed with $150 of Birthday gift cards not particularly looking at anything special...this Mexican strat jumped out at me. 2004 very neglected example of a well built instrument. It was very dirty and missing strings but priced at $199. I bought it, installed a new 5 way to go along with a set of ‘65 grey bobbin American pickups I had lying around and it popped out amazing. Wonderful shaped and straight neck with almost no fret wear. With the matte purple color, it’s unlike any of my other instruments. I think I’ll keep it in my trunk next to my golf clubs!

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

Breakaways wrote:

I think I’ll keep it in my trunk next to my golf clubs!

Nice score & stealth mods. Love the idea of a beater guitar hanging out with the golf clubs. Thumbs Up Need a little Pignose or something riding in the rack on the back of the cart, maybe for when the course is backed up. Gives "playing through" a whole new meaning.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Abernethy AA model. McNelly Stagger Swagger pickups, Ferro hardware, torrefied woods. This thing is a beast.

60's Kay K100. In for a refret, bone nut, and some electronics work. Fun little booger!

new toy just out of the bench
i have some trouble with my sherwood green paint ,it doesn't want to dry under the varnish ,after few days in my car for warming up and speed the drying ,it is not dry enought , the solvant goes in the body and show my seams ,and this was after fews bugs attacks in the process of paint + varnish ,last time i do without a proper spray booth
i play it yesterday and i will let it fews days to see if it is emought reliable to be a stage guitar ,but i find it sound good to my taste ,different than my other ,now need some practice cause i haven't time to play for days and we have a live this evening


specs :radius 12,vintage fret wire,neck profil a little more thin than av 65 ,av62 neck pick up ,alnico 5 bridge pick up home made ,guard home made too cause i have a nice blank who age with time (it doen't stay bright white for a long time )avri trem and bridge ,only lead circuit (i don't use the rythm one ,av 65 knobs ,first time i have them cause i pick them cheaper (regular price at thomann is 35 € )

Last edited: Jun 09, 2018 03:01:23

Awesome guitar Ludo!
I really like the color, especially if the pickguard age in a nice way Smile
I agree the painting is the most difficult step in building a guitar. I used s spray booth last year but the light in there was bad so that was not a good solution either...
It looks like you positioned the tremolo assembly quite close to the bridge, right?

Lovely looking Jazzmaster Ludo. Shame about paint but it happens to the best paint sprayers. I think maybe paint skin is drying too quickly leaving wetness underneath. Only undercoat is porous so drying by heat would be futile. Some people use acetone on bare wood to clean any contamination before undercoat. Otherwise I send congratulations on another fine Ludo creation.

yes i have the trem near the brigde (before you said i haven't notice it ,then it is not vintage correct ,i have to look my others to see it ,i made a wrong placement of it ,miss 13 mm to have vintage place (i have 19 mm between the guard end and the trem contrary to 32 mm ),i think i am near classic player jazzmaster , it is not important for me (and moreover too late )cause it kill some behind bridge ringing ,but it change a little the feel of the trem it is less soft but the angle of bridge is better
i have to note it on my template for an another time (if i want to avoid the wrong placement )
always control before doing rules seems to have been violated

for the paint i have done like it was said but i think i will have must wait more to be sure for drying under varnish , the window to recover is short if you want the varnish to grip on paint and normally if the paint is dry you have to sand it to recover
the wait of 1 hour is too short cause the diluant seems not to have evaporate totally ,if i have wait 1 h30 or 2 hours the trouble will not been here i think and with the lot of bugs i have to fight against it is risky to not have recover it with varnish ,cause bugs love fresh paint ,fresh varnish ,it kill them but nothing stop them

Last edited: Jun 11, 2018 09:47:26


Last edited: Feb 02, 2024 14:07:24

Nice looking guitar Ludo. I'm building a Jazzmaster monthly at the moment.
When I paint the body I will use one of these as a spraying room!!


thanks Clarry
it can be a solution to avoid bugs but you will have trouble with overspray that will stay in

ludobag wrote:

cause bugs love fresh paint ,fresh varnish ,it kill them but nothing stop them.

Maybe some fine mesh you find at the garden centre would help? I've heard some places in America have swarms of micro sized bugs during the summer and folks seal doors and windows with a super fine mesh to keep them out. I'm not sure what it's called though.

ludobag wrote:

thanks Clarry
it can be a solution to avoid bugs but you will have trouble with overspray that will stay in

No problem with overspray, I'll just throw the tent away after!

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