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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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253 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
237 days ago

GDW: showman
188 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
110 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
103 days ago

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89 days ago

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69 days ago

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Greetings From Earp, CA:

If anyone is on this site who resides in or near Lake Havasu and can play bass, please give me a holler at (714) 448-9325.

My band plays very early surf music, more akin to The Wailers (not Bob Marley's) than the Chantays.

For a sample, log onto Youtube, pull up the Showmen live at Rhythm Collision. There you will find my high school band the Showmen, along with Dick Dale joining us on stage, something he has never done since around 1980.


Joey G

We will be leaving for CA to La Habra in August, so, again, my bass player can't make the gig, so any bass players close to La Habra, please give me a call.

I don't know whether I am on the correct Forum, so, if I made a mistake, then Jeff, excuse my error, it was not intentional.

By the way Jeff, Alex sends his regards. I did not have the time to talk to you in January at Rhythm Collision because of a death in my family and I had to leave immediately after the show. As you may recall, with Dick involved, it was hectic.

Hey Joey, how's "Mikemays" these days?

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

JonP, Do I know you? You must be from Berdoo if you know Mikey?? Or Sacramento where he has lived since he left the old neighborhood we grew up in? Big Mike is alive and well. Last year when his mom died he decided to retire from his law practice and move from Sac to our old neighborhood in Riverside, bought her home just like I bought my parents home in 1992 and relocated from Costa Mesa to get away from the crowds. He is spending a lot of time traveling, and since he is down the street I keep an eye on the house. Send me your name and I will pass it on to him. He is gone for three weeks to Europe.

On a side note I saw a photo of a bass and also noticed you are located in Venice. My bass player doesn't like driving to far from home (all of us are a bunch of real old farts) and I've had to turn down several good paying gigs in LA County. The money is not relevant to us because we are all retired, but we still like to perform, so, let me know if you would be interested.

PMS: Money is always relevant-I never had enough. Stay kool.


So are you also this guy?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

So are you also this guy?

Yup. That band photo with the car has been posted before.

He also goes by John Miller, a prominent New York Publicist...

surfbeatslbc wrote:

He also goes by John Miller, a prominent New York Publicist...

That was funny.



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