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Permalink The Madeira - Ancient Winds

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I wish the Maderia was playing the Convention also this year.
We'll have to wait and see if they can do it for 2017.


bigtikidude wrote:

I wish the Maderia was playing the Convention also this year.

Yes, I'm sure most of us do BUT we do get The Cossacks!


Yeah that's pretty good huh? —


"Pretty good is pretty good"...Frankie Presto.

Happy Sunsets!

Ruhar wrote:

I'm embarrassed to admin that I've been waaaaay behind the curve on the latest Madeira album. I've listened to it several times over the past couple of months, but only recently have I really dug into it and I'm just blown away by this one.

Several tunes harken back to Space Cossacks-era melody structures much more than any other Madeira release to my ears. Also, there is much more melancholy in the medlodies and those melodies are really 3-dimensional.

I won't go into a song for song analysis because I'm still just enjoying the hell out of listening to this epic album. I will say that the clear stand out for me is Dawn in Cadiz without question. In my opinion it is the most endearing song that Ivan has written since Jewel of Duende. I'm also just learning that Alex co-wrote that one? Yes, makes sense. Such a beautiful song. It has quickly become my current favorite song in the modern surf music canon.

The album has plenty of trademark Madeira burners, which is great, but its the other, more subtle tunes that really stand out to me. For instance, I think that Into the Deep is such a fantastic closer.

All in all I think this is clearly The Maderia's (and Ivan's) finest moment on record. Congratulations to an incredibly compelling band that I've really been a huge fan of over the years. They continue to produce incredibly powerful and emotive music!

Damn, this was a very nice surprise, Ryan! Thank you very much for your wonderful review, I greatly appreciate it. REALLY happy to hear that the album is resonating with you so much, and especially Dawn in Cadiz! That's one of my very favorites on the album, as well. And Into The Deep is a song that really seems to have struck a nerve with a lot of our fans, we're constantly hearing people mention that one. Anyway, thank you VERY much, my friend! Really looking forward to seeing you and hearing you play again at the convention!

Badger wrote:

Agree There are some wonderful anthems across the whole album but this one gets me everytime I hear it. And to watch him play that so delicately on a rolling boat in the fog too close to the breakwater...
Definitely something a true mariner gets through, or else he wasn't noticing Laughing

Smile Thanks, Wes! All I can say is that you don't spend a year-plus on a trireme chasing and battling a sea dragon without building up your sea legs! A bit of a rocky ship ain't no big deal after that! Big Grin

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

bigtikidude wrote:

I wish the Maderia was playing the Convention also this year.
We'll have to wait and see if they can do it for 2017.

Well, I don't know, Jeff... Where will you put us on the bill? Twisted Evil

Kidding, kidding! Wink Here's very much hoping we can! I think it's looking good.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

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