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well, I was working on my version of "Toxic" by B.Spears...but, I heard this on the YouTube:

Last edited: May 29, 2015 17:03:57

dp wrote:

well, I was working on my version of "Toxic" by B.Spears...but, I heard this on the YouTube:

THAT was fantastic!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

messing around with 'raunchy' and 'rebel rouser'

Onslow_Beach wrote:

dp wrote:

well, I was working on my version of "Toxic" by B.Spears...but, I heard this on the YouTube:

THAT was fantastic!

what an improvement over the original. good find.

The original B. Spears "Toxic" was remixed and caught my attention, it has a decent "surf /instro" song structure... I thought I could do justice to Brittney's original version by making it into a pure instrumental, but the Space Mosquito version of the tune is just so good and rockin'...

Mid-tempo piece, 'Surfer's Lament (the Quiet Sea). It's one of those that write themselves. I have most of the pieces, I just need to organize them and then let it finish itself.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Trying to nail the solo on pale horse by the Sub-vectors.

Sharawaji Records - UK Registered Record Label Dedicated To Surf, Instro, Reverb and Twang - the Network for Surf Music Join Now
Surf Rock Radio - the World’s Number 1 Surf Music Station
Surf Music Radio - the World's Number 2 Surf Music Station
Monstromental - Pulp Horror Instro Surf Radio

Noel wrote:

You'll love the Shure SM57. I place mine just slightly off-center of the speaker cone, and flatly (no angle) touching the grill cloth. The playback through the monitors sounds just like the amp does live.

BTW, figured you deserved a shout back. All I can say is:


Lots of happy feet at this house.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

After essentially playing the same songs for over a month I've started to learn some new stuff...

Big Soul Beat by the New Dimensions. Good slower minor blues surf.

Trying to transcribe some Les Baxter. Some of it translates to guitar/surf but most of it doesn't quite work. Good creative exercise at the very least.

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

dp wrote:

well, I was working on my version of "Toxic" by B.Spears...but, I heard this on the YouTube:

Neat video with a nice surfy sound and very nice production quality! Kind of ripped off the Atomic Mosquitos logo/name... Hmmm

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


MARCH OF THE DEAD SURFERS! (2024) - Agent Octopus
Wake up Jimmy! It's Christmastime! (2024) - Agent Octopus (Single)
YOUTUBE - Agent Octopus Surf

SG101 Festival 2025 Click Here!

And now for something mostly completely different. Bass on Green Onions, Girl From Ipanema, Twist (a shag-rhythm version by Nokie Edwards of The Twist) and two songs that are scaring me - bass on Santana's Black Magic Woman and Herb Alpert's Lollipops and Roses. Plus rhythm guitar for Brazil and The Millionaire, and lead guitar for Romantic Moon.

Ah, yes. It's time to start learning songs for the 2015 Ventures Fan Fest.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jun 10, 2015 21:27:38

dp wrote:

well, I was working on my version of "Toxic" by B.Spears...but, I heard this on the YouTube:

This seems to me to be the type of song that only really works with a hot girl in the video which the Space Mosquitoes have thankfully. Shouldn't there a line drawn somewhere and then I find everyone saying "Lines? What lines?" I guess that's show-biz.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I wants to share this here song with you all. It was my first instrumental. Wrote it when I was 16. Re-recorded it just a while back. The original was done on 2 cassette recorders for the overdub. On my Sears Silvertone. I have to say, I always thought it was something.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

It's got a very cool vibe to it; a slinky sound and feel. I Like it.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Badger wrote:

Noel wrote:

You'll love the Shure SM57. I place mine just slightly off-center of the speaker cone, and flatly (no angle) touching the grill cloth. The playback through the monitors sounds just like the amp does live.

BTW, figured you deserved a shout back. All I can say is:


Lots of happy feet at this house.

I don't know how I missed this, Wes. I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm real glad you're happy with this placement for that mic.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel wrote:

I don't know how I missed this, Wes. I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm real glad you're happy with this placement for that mic.

No sweat, you're a busy stage personality. Wink
It really has worked out. Just off onto the cone takes some room boominess off. I've gone to a PG57 also on the Champ also (miniature version of Ivan's 2 amps), just for a bit of extra something & it's really nice the two together. Gonna try to record a demo of the fuzz kit-build here when the plethora of relative's kids' grad parties gets over with...

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Noel wrote:

It's got a very cool vibe to it; a slinky sound and feel. I Like it.

Thanks Noel- I can always count on you to give a listen!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Hey Syndicateofsurf, I like that song! I am playing it at work right now. Good job, man. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

Hey Syndicateofsurf, I like that song! I am playing it at work right now. Good job, man.

Man that is crazy! Many garcias's!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Interlude before progenal sub-units arrive for fireworks tonight. In a previous interview w/Ivan I got his mention of the Byzantine scale (double-harmonic scale, "Gypsy", et al) and had lazily put that on the long to-do list. So I've decided to work on that and see where it leads me. As a little piano-playing kid I had quite the sight-reading skills for my age, but long gone (use it or lose it). So just nugging it out by ear. (I do use tabs once in a while if my ear's confused & curious about where someone's playing something on the neck but not usually.)

So this is a very fun start down a trail, one baby step at a time and, an hour in, there are flickering neurons in my brain that open up new paths.

Lately been loving my JM alot & it can take me from Santa Monica to Croatia and points in between, but for this the Strat with the echo pedal is more simpatico given I'm kind of out of my comfort zone.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

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