I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign SG101 up to participate in The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance. You can read all about it at that link.
I know we have a custom of avoiding politics here on SG101, and I thank all of you who do, but this is one of those rare cases I'm going to pull a "this is my website and I feel strongly about this" kind of thing. But don't worry, we aren't going to discuss it here and I am going to lock this thread. If you wish to talk to me about it, just shoot me an email.
What this means is you'll see a banner on SG101 on February 11 that urges people in the US to call or email their legislators. If you live outside the US you'll be asked to sign a petition. The banner will have some neat pop-ups that will assist you in making a call or sending an email.
If you don't like this just click the X to close it. It will stay minimized for the rest of the day. If you really don't like this, just don't visit SG101 on February 11th.
—Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea