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Nine miles to Stuckeyys by the Torquays
and Fadeaway by Laika and the cosmonauts.

A drummer friend and I are laying down all the tracks, bass lead drums and rhythm using it as a tutorial on mastering before we lay down some originals.

The Bambi Molesters' "Point Break." Also working on that essential surf standard, "Malaguena," trying to draw inspiration from the Trashmen, Molesters, et al.

Everybody up!

my tune for this years compilation

mom_surfing wrote:

my tune for this years compilation


Just finished the New dimensions Cat on a Hot board and The Truants the Truant so I'm going to start on The Belairs Bedlam and Chief Whop-in-koff by the royal knights. Should keep me busy for a day or two.

MarGaya, Bedlam and Taxidermist Surf by MOAM. And an original with the working title Fleischlaberl Burnout Smile
Yours Wolfi

cafe bagad of the los apollos is on the grill
have lot of part but lot of miss too !
the sound of this song is really amazing
try to work also whirlpool of volcanos it is really speed !

Last edited: Nov 11, 2013 07:27:46

Working on my tribute to Lou Reed: One song is called "Velvet Underpants, and Knickers", and the other is a cover of Venus in Furs, probably be retitled Venus in Surf,.

The Bambis' "Theme from Slaying Beauty."

Everybody up!

ufo stomp ,attack ,and bardenas rendez vous by the taikonauts
(more in fact cause i really like the album ,but need to not try more at the same time cause if ,i will mix it )

Last edited: Nov 20, 2013 15:37:13

We have a big holiday gig in a couple of weeks. So cramming to get our arrangements of Jingle Bell Rock, Feliz Navidad and Dreidel Song worked up in time for rehearsal tonight.

The Boss Jaguars!

I am currently working on rhythm of almost 30 songs right now for a gig on Dec 18th. All these barre chords are killing my thumb/hand muscle!!! But it feels good playing so much surf. Smile

"Over Under Sideways Down" by the Yardbirds and a new Crazy Aces song to record.
We're opening a Jeff Beck tribute show here in Nashville on December 19th and rehearsing tonight


The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

"God Rest Yea Merry Gentlemen"

We're gonna do it surf style at a Christmas party in a few weeks.

the Undead Bureaucrats

The Rum Sweats

josheboy wrote:

I am currently working on rhythm of almost 30 songs right now for a gig on Dec 18th. All these barre chords are killing my thumb/hand muscle!!! But it feels good playing so much surf. Smile

Josh, remember to hold the pick loosely, otherwise you tense up all the muscles and fatigue easier. Try lighter picks for rhythm too.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

"Cry For a Shadow" by the Beatles. I wonder what SG101 thinks of this song. I'm sure it has been discussed here before, no?

the Turbosonics
"Playin' Surf at Maximum Impact"

Landlocked by the Bambi Molesters. Not too difficult but you have to really relax to get the right feel.

Landlocked is part of my "work out list" of songs that demand certain techniques and/or quick changes between them, which means I play it 3-4 times a week. But I play along to the re-recorded version on the "Deluxe" album, which is a bit less "relaxed".

Maybe I should finally ask my band to put it on the setlist as well, so that all the work pays of a little? Hmmm

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Simoncoil: definitely add Landlocked. it is wicked and crowds love it.

It is well suited for a trio also. Your bass player will have to tune up his syncopation chops. As a bass player myself, that goofy bass line is definitely the bridge between drums and guitars.

I just listed to some Los Apollos from your link. You guys rock. Bomb Stop is particularly killer in my opinion.

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