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Permalink New to surf music, any suggestions?

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For Spy music don't miss Calibro 35 :

As far as Eleki/Surf: The Royal Fingers:

I'm only a couple of weeks into surf, but this is what I have so far. Actually, the first four are on their way from Amazon. So much music, so little time and money!


Good start young Jedi,
Keep going deep. Some great pics there.
Way more to surf than just LSJs,DD,& Ventures.


GaryJ ,,while waiting for things in the mail you may want to download some music. here are a few places to get some good stuff,,

Pollo Del Mar
The Madeira
Rev Hank
Tonewoods Tonewoods / Bruce Harvey
This Machine Kills RobotsThis machine Kills Robots

Last edited: Feb 19, 2013 19:16:00

GaryJ ,while waiting for things in the mail you may want to download some music. here are a few places to get some good stuff,,

Great suggestion, Brainpop. I'll have to dust of my son's old Ipod that he gave me. I'm from the vinyl generation, so I prefer physical media, but I can adapt.

Having given away my age, roughly, you would think that I would have gotten into surf a long time ago, but I guess it's never too late! With me its always been rock and the blues, especially the blues, but I'm bloozed out right now and surf is like a breath of fresh air.

The SG101 Ppodcasts are really good too, they are over on the left side,
There are quite a few Surf radio shows out there, some are written up in threads here on 101

i noticed a lot of surf bands play full throtle from start to end. I love the energy, but for varieties sake, I'm looking for some bands or CDs with more varied tempos (is there such a thing as slow surf?). It doesn't have to be strictly surf and can include other guitar instrumental genres. For example, I have a couple of Aqua Velvets CDs (Guitar Noir and Nomad) that mix up the pace. Any suggestions along those lines.

The Bambi Molesters, Gold Dust Lounge

Last edited: Feb 22, 2013 09:48:51

GaryJ wrote:

i noticed a lot of surf bands play full throtle from start to end. I love the energy, but for varieties sake, I'm looking for some bands or CDs with more varied tempos (is there such a thing as slow surf?). It doesn't have to be strictly surf and can include other guitar instrumental genres. For example, I have a couple of Aqua Velvets CDs (Guitar Noir and Nomad) that mix up the pace. Any suggestions along those lines.

The Bambi Molesters are an excellent suggestion. I would also recommend all the Mermen stuff you can get your hands on.

If you are interested in something WAY out there, but with tremendous dynamics, I can't recommend Daikaiju highly enough.

Last edited: Feb 22, 2013 10:12:38

+1 on The Mermen. Not loungy like Aqua Velvets, more psychedelic.
Also, not really surf, but surfy instro, check out James Wilsey- El Dorado.
Daikaiju is an excellent modern surf band, and they rock!

Good suggestions. Heard good things about Bambi Molesters and Mermen. I'll be ordering those soon.

I really want the James Wilsey CD, but its $35 and up on Amazon!

Here's a little documentary/promo video on Gold Dust Lounge. They're a Florida band (Miami)with a relaxed surfy loungy feel.
They seem to fit in with the more laid back styles you are inquiring about.

I'm a guitarist and have recently decided to learn the surf style of playing, but due me being new to the surf scene I'm not very well acquainted with the artists to listen to and then learn their songs. I know of "The Beach Boys" "Dick Dale" "The Ventures" "The Original Surfaris" and "The Surfaris" I would really like to get into these bands more as well as others so all suggestions are greatly appreciated in regards to songs, albums, artists and basically everything else that pertains to surf music.

From one surf noob to another, this is what I have so far (been into surf for about 3 weeks).

The list is in no partiular order, and Its all very good to excellent in my opinion.

Space Cossacks - Never Mind The Bolsheviks
The Madiera - All three of them
Pollo Del Mar - Golden State
Mermen - The Amazing California Health and Happiness Road Show, Live At The Haunted House
Laika and the Cosmonauts - Cosmopolis
Bambi Molesters - Sonic Bullets: 13 From the Hip, As the Dark Wave Swells
Aqua Velvets - Nomad, Guitar Noir
Insect Surfers - Mojave Reef
Varatones - Jetty Subject To High Surf
Supertones - Surf Fever 2000
James Wilsey - El Dorado
Los Straitjackets - In Concert DVD
Dick Dale and His Deltones - Greatest Hits
The Ventures - Surfing

I need to slow down and absorb what I have! Most of these I downloaded from Amazon. I noticed a lot of music isn't available in CD form, but it is in MP3, and vice versa.

This is cool site with a lot of detailed feviews to help in your quest:

GaryJ, come to Italy at the SURFER JOE SUMMER FESTIVAL in June and have fun. "FUN" this is what I recommend to find into surf music mostly!

I am very happy to have new people into the genre! You are very welcome!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

That would be a dream! I'm just trying to get down to Durham NC about five hours away for the festival there in May.

Hey Gary,
Welcome to another DC area surf music lover.
Hate to break it to you, but you missed this show by just a few years. Wink


Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

I work within walking distance of the IOTA!

We play IOTA and Galaxy Hut dowm the street every now and then, nothing scheduled right now though.
Don't miss Man or Astroman? at the Black Cat in June:

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

I've played guitar for years and most of this material is a wonderful find for me! I would recommend the mermen as their music was instrumental (pun!) In bringing me into surf. I didn't start this thread but am getting a lot out of it! Thanks guys!


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