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I agree with tubeswell, good point.
Practicing with a metronome, drum machine/track or a good drummer will help you grow as a player faster than anything and the number one flaw with guitar players is timing, groove and accuracy in execution of rhythmic phrases.

This has all happened very quickly. I don't have recording equipment and suddenly find myself needing it. I'm plsying to either backing tracks or complete tunes when I'm not learning or practicing chord changes or parts. So yeah, I'm gonna combine my need for a new computer with something I can use to work on music and make recordings. That, and a mic.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

The Mystery Men? have been working on 4 Buddy Holly songs (Peggy Sue, Words Of Love, Heartbeat, Tell Me How) and a Big Bopper song (Little Red Riding Hood, which will feature the first ever guest vocalist for this band!) in preparation for the 5th annual Hollyfest here in Atlanta in a couple of weeks. It's an all cover night of songs by Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper. This is a first for us as well as the event, so it's been fun to stretch out a little!

MadScientist wrote:

The Mystery Men? have been working on 4 Buddy Holly songs (Peggy Sue, Words Of Love, Heartbeat, Tell Me How) and a Big Bopper song (Little Red Riding Hood, which will feature the first ever guest vocalist for this band!) in preparation for the 5th annual Hollyfest here in Atlanta in a couple of weeks. It's an all cover night of songs by Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper. This is a first for us as well as the event, so it's been fun to stretch out a little!

That sounds like a lot of fun!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

It really is. There are 10+ bands, each playing a couple of songs with minimal repeats. I'm really curious to see how the night turns out. Smile

Just finished my part of the Jurassic Park theme. I'm rearranging it to hopefully play with the 'Verb(they don't know that yet). Definitely won't be eight minutes long, gotta fit that arrangement into compact organ, potentially four guitars, potentially one bass, potential pedal bass organ/synth, trumpet/cornet and maybe euphonium, drums, and potential vocals. The trick is we have five people, one of the greatest fanfares ever written, and it must sound like a live 'Verb song... Really wish we had an upright piano to take with us... and a choir that would want to only play for a few seconds.

Thanks for the advice about Man of Mystery

I had worked out that the riff was a descending run from A but I wanted to keep the open E string and as close to first position as I could.

Still working on getting the solo up to speed.

Started on Theme for Young Lovers, its a bit more straight forward.

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

Just listened to the first Clash record again and want to cover over half the songs as instrumentals.

windmill wrote:

Started on Theme for Young Lovers, its a bit more straight forward.

We play that song too. The gradual ascending and descending pattern of main riff took me a little while to memorise.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Working on a tune right now, on GarageBand. Welcome to the world of the amateur. Real fun, got some fake organ, fake drums, fake bass, and, as soon as I get the interface, real guitar. I'm writing on GarageBand, at some point I'll probably post a demo, and as soon as I have a pathetic excuse for a band together, I may record it with real stuffs.

Should be fun!


Altar, I demo a lot with Garageband on the iPad and feel like I get some pretty cool results. I use the jam by apogee for a guitar interface and the amp sims in Garageband are pretty damn good.

I'm possibly looking at getting an iOS mic preamp. I have a bunch of great mics, and I'm getting a new amp, so I could record guitar, drums, samples, etc. with my iPod. That iRig keyboard looks fun as well.


Yep, I'm thinking something similar. My computer just died and so my pro tools recording is on hold and with what I've been achieving just with Garageband I've been considering upping the ante with some kind of pre or even iPad workstation device like the Alesis iDock.

I'm getting into a bunch of Atlantics songs at the moment from their Flight Of The Surf Guitar album, including the title song, as well as Freakout, Surfin' The Net and Saturday Night (which has got some really cool improvisation goin' on). I'm going to have a go at these at a gig next Thursday night (Hope you don't mind Martin - its just that they are so kewl Smile )

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Feb 02, 2013 16:57:51

Theme for Young Lovers by the Shadows

The repeat of the verse up an octave is straight forward but playing it below the 12th fret is disconcerting. The notes are the same but in a slightly different placement.

Wonderful Land is next, also fairly straightforward

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

William Tell 1967



Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 09:25:25

Finally got around to figuring out Bel-Air's "Bedlam." Now my family is asking when am I going to stop playing it.

"We're lousy, we can't play. If you wait until you can play, you'll be too old to get up there. We stink, really. But it's great," Johnny Ramone .

Working on a lot of new, original material for our band.
It's amusing to me, after playing for many years it can still be harder for me to learn to play the music in my head than other artists' songs.

Number9 wrote:

Next goal :
This version of "Dark Eyes" (The Revelairs - Rare Surf Vol.II)

I never get sick of hearing this song, great version too.


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