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Working on Storm Surf by The Pyramids, cool song and fast!
It always the 'little bits' you got to get right

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

Number9 wrote:

Decided to break up the magic and pick up a few songs... Guess they'll never ever sound the same now.

I know exactly what you mean... I want to improve and feel more intimate with the music I love, but part of me also loves having that curtain of mystique over them. I finally started learning The Ghouls "Voo Doo Juice" last night (about 90% there), and was simultaneously elated and saddened that I was understanding it- it's really odd feeling. I wonder if say, chefs ever have a great meal and decide that they don't want to try reproducing it?


My psuedo band DeadSurf60's picked up a bunch of surf songs lately including:

Flash of Green, Pollo Del Mar
Ewa on the Beach, Frankie and the pool boys
Fadeway, Laika and the Cosmonauts

Current struggle-fest is Nine Miles to Stuckeys by the Torquays. Couple of turnarounds still evade me but I am getting there.

Short term goal: Getting that pinky to do what it's supposed to and hitting the groove.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 08:19:01

Haha... if I were to ever create great original music that was worthy enough for other people to pick apart and play, I'd certainly have no justification for getting upset about it, having done it so much myself. I'd like to think it would be a sense of overwhelming pride if someone cared enough to tab one of these hypothetical songs though.


Shazam (Duane Eddy). Jim Nabors version next. Whatever

The way it was explained to me was, a good song, a really good song has a life of its own, can go around the world, different cultures, has various styles and interpretations. . it just just keeps going on and on. . independent of who created it. Cool

'Surf Music Lasts Forever'

Last Train by the Surf Coasters (this song is mostly pretty easy once you get into it, but has a few quirky position changes (i.e. going from the F to the D7 arpeggio). I'm having fun coming up with subtle variations of chord changes at the end of the verses.)

Nivram by the Shadows (The song is easy and I'm just cooking up some more improvs for the 3rd verse etc)

Still having a bit of trouble with Samba Estrella (after several months - this takes a lot of perseverance)

I started on Flight of the Surf Guitar and Fistful of Dollars last week.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Sleep Walk, with a slide.

This is my first slide tune. It's good for that because it's slow and simple.

I learned it lap-style with a bar slide and got that down pretty well, now I'm working on playing it standing up with a finger slide. This will take awhile to get right.

Been working on Slaughter on 10th Ave a bunch - it's not totally new to me, we've been playing it for a little while, but I still haven't decided exactly what I want to do. Ours is based off the Ventures version.

New ones:

Mexico - Dick Dale
Munsters Theme

Wake the Kraken!

Just finished recording Give Me Back My Man by the B-52's and The Man From Nowhere by Jett Harris. I started a couple of threads in the Surf Musician forum.

Not sure what I'll do next. Something by The Pyramids or The Ventures probably.

Cats 'n' Strats, 'cause that's how I roll - I eat reverb for breakfast!

Fenderus Collecticus
Strat Blender Pot Modification HERE

Starting on a Shadows set of songs

already got Apache

Currently its The Rise and Fall of Fingell Bunt


Jet Black

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

windmill wrote:

Starting on a Shadows set of songs

already got Apache

Currently its The Rise and Fall of Fingell Bunt


Jet Black

I love that stuff. You should also try Foottapper, Man of Mystery, FBI, The Savage, Nivram and Stardust

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

I'm currently working on revamping our Munsters theme cover.

The Phantomatics on Facebook
The Phantomatics on Instagram
The Phantomatics on Bandcamp

Well I intend to work up a 'set' of ten Shadow's songs which would probably include the first four of your suggestions. Stardust ? I'll have to check that one.

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

Last edited: Sep 30, 2012 03:52:58

lost straitjackets you send me.... great song!!

Last edited: Sep 30, 2012 09:19:14

Los Straitjackets do such a killer version of that song. Nice choice, some cool diminished chords and a wicked lead.

windmill wrote:

Well I intend to work up a 'set' of ten Shadow's songs which would probably include the first four of your suggestions. Stardust ? I'll have to check that one.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

StevieMartini wrote:

Los Straitjackets do such a killer version of that song. Nice choice, some cool diminished chords and a wicked lead.

yup wery cool... got most of it down but the lead is tricky !!!

A lot of different Ol' Timey stuff!!!

Angline the Baker
Soldiers Joy

I just learned about this style of guitar playing called Flatpicking...
It's kinda like playing Surf Music leads but you play fiddle tunes! Hmmm

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

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