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Permalink R.I.P. Baja Marty, Paypal account active, info for Memorial event last page

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It is with great sadness that I am letting you all know that My Good Buddy, and Surf show going partner, and a true brother from another mother, Has passed away today June. 25th 2012. at 9am.

Info for-
Baja Marty Memorial/Party
Sun. July 22nd.
Starting Gate in Los Alamitos, Ca.
5052 Katella Ave.
7 pm to 10 pm, after the HB pier show.
The Eliminators and others will be playing short sets,
all are welcome, and encouraged to get up and give personal stories about Marty.

Party is Free, but donations to Marty's wife Letty would be greatly appreciated to help with Medical bills,and other costs that have come up.

His wife called me today, and let me know that he passed early this morning. I didn't get all the details, and will talk to her more later, as she was quite upset, and I could barely understand her.
Marty had been fighting cancer and other health issues.

I wish to send my deepest sympathies to Marty's Wife Letty, their Son
Lonnie, and the 2 grandchildren. And to Marty's Brother Mike.
and Their Parents Carmen and Neil, Who also lost their other Son Rod a few years ago.

Tikitena wrote:

Baja Marty Memorial Fund

This is the same paypal account we used for Marty's benefit show last year. If you choose to donate, we will forward funds to Marty's wife, Letty.

This is a Very Sad Day for me(personally), As we have been good friends
for about 15 years. We went to hundreds of surf shows together.
and Also took some trips to Nor. Cal. and San Diego to see bands.
Many many good times spent together. Also the Surf Community in general loses a Huge Supporter,both in buying cds/vinyl,and by going to shows.

I had done a 50th B-day party/8 band show for Him 5 years ago.
And was wanting to do a 55th B-day party/show also.
Then he fell ill last summer,So in Oct. I had a fundraiser show for him.
He seemed to get better, but then around the x-mas holiday he started feeling bad again.He went back into the hospital with several different issues, and they found also that the cancer had come back.
After dealing with some of the other issues, they had put him back on Chemo, but that stuff was really kicking his Butt.
I saw him almost every week from Feb. to June. and he seemed to be getting thru it, but then recently he started to seem to be slipping away.
I was going to go visit him today, when I got the call from his Wife.

Marty always said that Baja and Misirlou were his favorites,
even though everyone played them.
Baja was his Theme song,
and he always said that Misirlou was the Surf National Anthem.

I know you've all heard them before,
but for Marty, Crank it up, and put yer fist in the air.
and play the 2 above songs.

and if yer playing them live in a band,
Crank up the Reverb and Break Off the Knob!

A Very Sad Day.
Rest In Peace Brother Marty.
Miss You already.

Here are a few pics to remember Marty by,
if I find more, I will post them later.

Marty pumping his fist at a Madeira show at Suzy's in Hermosa, after the 1st SG101 convention.

Marty Feeling the Reverb at a Secret Samurai show in San Diego.

Tom Hinders, Trode, Brian(SG101 leader) me, and Marty far right,
at the Surf Coasters 1st tour of Nor. Cal. at the Brookdale lodge.

Marty and I, at his benefit show in Oct. of 2011, he was feeling good then.

Baja Marty:
A true Brother, and the best friend ever.
I will remember you forever, and miss you the rest of my days.


Last edited: Jul 13, 2012 20:31:50

I have some good memories of Marty, one of the few people to ever offer to schlep gear and he was quite happy to do so!

A good man with good stories and a true original.

RIP our brother in reverb, Marty Cry

You will be missed

I'm deeply saddened to hear of Marty's passing. Such a good guy. Here is one of my favorite Marty memories. It captures his passion for surf music.
Baja Marty The One Man Party. Godspeed buddy.

Last edited: Jun 25, 2012 15:47:15

A HUGE loss for the entire surf community. Marty was one-of-a-kind. Jeff, I'm sorry for your loss. I know how close you two were.


Last edited: Jun 25, 2012 16:55:33

Oh man, this is totally devastating and truly awful news.

When I first met Marty at that Surf Coasters show in Brookdale, I remember him passionately telling me how much surf music meant to him, how it made him feel, how the reverb gave him chills, and why he lived for it. I could see the music was very special to him and after he went on a while I looked at him and said "I know exactly what you mean, man". I didn't see him all that often, just usually once a year but he would always come talk to me and tell me about the great shows he saw and what he was listening to lately.

He was just the nicest, gentlest guy... a passionate surf music fan.

Hang in there Jeff.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Jun 25, 2012 15:56:45

This is a real bummer. My deepest condolences go out to Marty's family if they happen to see this thread. Marty was a true original. He was such a dedicated surf fan and a great person. He will be greatly missed.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I am so sorry.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Such sad, sad news. Cry

Thanks for your posts and thoughts guys,

I sent the link to this thread, and the other get well thread with everybody's stories to his brother Mike.

This is really tough, its like losing a family member.


A very sad day, indeed. Marty always "blamed" me for getting him hooked on surf music back in the 80s when we first met. Our paths crossed dozens of times over the years, first with Jon & The Nightriders, then later with The Eliminators, two bands that considered Marty a member of the family. He was one of those guys you could NOT dislike, always willing to schlep amps from car to stage and back again (I sometimes felt guilty asking him to help, but he did it gladly). His band introductions -- especially for The Eliminators -- became somewhat legendary. The guy was intense in his love for the music and for those who performed it. He gave out hugs, not handshakes.

So, thank you very much, Marty, for always being there. I'm really sorry you lost the good fight. Rest easy, my friend. Not much more to say right now. You'll be missed.


I got the sad and shocking (to me) news earlier from Jeff. A real loss to our little community. Marty was the real deal, and he will be missed.
My condolences to his family and friends.
Thanks Jeff for putting this thread, but more importantly for being a true friend to Marty.


The Scimitars

I only got to meet him once, at the Huntington Beach Pier. He was really nice and super enthusiastic. My condolences for the loss of your friend.
requiescat in pace

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

BTK, thinking of you and Marty's family.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007


Marty was just a standout person who was not afraid to tell you he loved you, and just loved to experience live music to the fullest extent possible. He was the guy that would plant himself in front of my amp when I was going to do a song by his hero, Dick Dale. He would just take it in like a religious experience. I'll miss ya, Marty.

~ dave

Awesome photo Dave. POTD tomorrow?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

POTD in my mind for the rest of my life.


RIP Marty. You are missed.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Not unexpected but still devastating news. Marty was a larger-than-life character (and he WAS large, believe me!). His enthusiasm for the surf music scene was momumental and inspiring. He always had something positive to say and we could always crack each other up. I will miss his quasi-scary man-hugs
and his boundless devotion to 'the music'. He was a real original and we've been blessed to share the world with him. Rocketh!

Marty always made me feel like a brother when we talked.

RIP to a wonderfully warm and sweet man.

Last edited: Jun 25, 2012 16:31:10

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