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Hi Brian,
I don't know if this was ever asked but is it possible that external link (to youtube, ebay...) open in new tabs/windows instead of replacing the SG101 page you're on ?
Keep up the good work with the site !

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

I might be able to change that. Have you tried clicking links with your middle mouse button? That's what I do to get links to open in new tabs in Firefox.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

All PC laptops have a zone you can touch that can perform other functions. So go into your touchpad settings and set some zones up to "middle-click" this will open links in a new tab.

And if you have a MacBook, download BetterTouch and then set one of the new gestures to middle-click.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:30:26

Thanks, I'll try both Better touch and Cool Preview.I never knew about the middle button but as I mainly use the touchpad, it doesn't apply.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

I did some research about this and most people say it is better to let the user decide how to open the links rather than force them to open in a new tab/window.

Even with a touchpad you should be able to control how you open the links. On mine, for example, I can press both left and right buttons at the same time. I can also right-click and choose new tab from a menu.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That's ok. I now installed Cool preview and it's perfect. Unfortunately, Better touch won't run on my Macbook as it requires Snow Leopard...

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

clepak wrote:

Hi Brian,
I don't know if this was ever asked but is it possible that external link (to youtube, ebay...) open in new tabs/windows instead of replacing the SG101 page you're on ?
Keep up the good work with the site !

This is the only forum I've ever been to that is set up this way. I'm always closing an external link only to realize that I should have clicked on the "go back one page" button. Argh

Cats 'n' Strats, 'cause that's how I roll - I eat reverb for breakfast!

Fenderus Collecticus
Strat Blender Pot Modification HERE

I think it is pretty unprofessional for a website to take away the user's choice on how to open a link.

To open a link in an external tab or window on Firefox or Chrome, click the link with the middle mouse button. Or right-click and choose "new tab".

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

I think it is pretty unprofessional for a website to take away the user's choice on how to open a link.

I agree with this.

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