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'checkpoint echo' by the penetrators.

no problem with the lead but that opening chord has got me. it sounds like a B but i can't find any B chord that sounds right. anyone else know? am i way off?

Carol, I wanna say it should be B minor, but it doesn't sound quite right when I play along with the song.

I am working on "Isn't Love Grand" by Los Straitjackets. I'm close but not all the way there. The part I'm hung up on starts around 1:15. I always falter when the higher notes get played faster and closer just turns into a jumble in my head.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

yeah, the Bm doesn't sound right but neither does the B.

i'll have to give that LSJ tune a listen tomorrow.

It's on "Supersonic Guitars in 3-D." I finally decided to cheat and watch some videos of Eddie playing it, but he plays it differently than I do. I'm fairly certain I'm right because the chords I'm playing under everything are what Danny is playing in the video, but I can't figure out exactly what Eddie's doing. If I could avoid the too-many-notes-at-once mind scramble (this is what everybody likes those Tascam things for, I guess) I could nail this song down quick. It's a very catchy tune.

Are you playing the first couple notes of Checkpoint Echo on the open A string, hammering down on the B? That's the way I play it, though I haven't got the whole thing figured out. Maybe I can start my own band playing only the parts of songs I know.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Richard.....That was one of the first songs I ever started trying to learn. I absolutely love it. Try Best Practice. Free program that slows everything down without changing the pitch. And it's free!!!!

Oh....I got bass in that band. I know partial bass riffs to a number of good songs!

I got it....."Richard and the Ring-Tones" Has a certain....ring to it, dontcha think?????


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Last edited: Sep 18, 2011 22:18:02

Long board Legato by Slacktone.

Torquay. Thankfully there is no mad soloing that makes me frustrated.


Richard wrote:

It's on "Supersonic Guitars in 3-D." I finally decided
to cheat and watch some videos of Eddie playing it, but
he plays it differently than I do. I'm fairly certain
I'm right because the chords I'm playing under
everything are what Danny is playing in the video, but
I can't figure out exactly what Eddie's doing. If I
could avoid the too-many-notes-at-once mind scramble
(this is what everybody likes those Tascam things for,
I guess) I could nail this song down quick. It's a
very catchy tune.

Are you playing the first couple notes of Checkpoint
Echo on the open A string, hammering down on the B?
That's the way I play it, though I haven't got the
whole thing figured out. Maybe I can start my own band
playing only the parts of songs I know.

i think eddie plays a lot of double stops.

on checkpoint echo i am starting on the open A string. i found a youtube video of some guy playing it but he's just playing the lead along with the CD so no help there on the B chord.

richard, i think you are right about the opening chord being a Bm.....but it still doesn't sound quite right

mom_surfing wrote:

'checkpoint echo' by the penetrators.

no problem with the lead but that opening chord has got
me. it sounds like a B but i can't find any B chord
that sounds right. anyone else know? am i way off?

What a coincidence Carol, I was about to learn that myself! (I have that Strymon El Cap echo that should sound pretty good for this.) I'll definitely let you know if I have any break-through's whenever I get started.



Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:41:02

Number9 wrote:

mom_surfing wrote:

richard, i think you are right about the opening
being a Bm.....but it still doesn't sound quite

This sounds as a Bm/F# chord to my ears.
In fact, this makes it a little confusing because the
rythm guitar actually plays a Bm chord, while the bass
gtr is playing 8th notes on the fifth:F# (4th string,
4th fret)



Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:40:34

Insect Surfers: Grunion Run. Doh!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Number9 wrote:

Gave it a 2d listening.
Edit: the bass is playing both the root and the fifth
like in the verse.
The rythm guitar plays a straight Bm chord second fret.
99 % sure about that.

agreed. i was playing the Bm on the 7th fret and it didn't sound right.

ali baba
fun and not easy that i am thiking before trying

Last edited: Sep 25, 2011 09:16:55


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:40:07

thanks a lot ,after heard it a lot and find a tab on the forum (i didn't think off the pull off; i have the note before and after, but the tabs help me for this really) i have all the part but it is my playing at this time i don't arrived to play really nice always i made mistake it is not clean (but i don't play a lot in fact this time i play more but not much and i am like beguinners the fingers don't want )
i pick up this version it is not too speed
and you heard the notes clearly
i have try to play on the original but it sound different ?i don't why ?
but it s surf too Wink
i wish i could play really clean like them both their sound are amazing

Last edited: Sep 25, 2011 15:24:12

Jack the Ripper - Link Wray

Los Twang Marvels - Samba Estrella

Quite the challenge, but SO MUCH FUN!

This is an adventure.

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