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Johnny b goode.

One week ago there was a mutiny in my group and the drummer, the bassist and the other guitarrist said that they were tired of so much surf and they wanted to play classics, oldies and rock n roll. Suicide
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Johnny b goode.

One week ago there was a mutiny in my group and the drummer, the bassist and the other guitarrist said that they were tired of so much surf and they wanted to play classics, oldies and rock n roll. Suicide

Find a new group of guys to play surf with!


Johnny b goode.

One week ago there was a mutiny in my group and the drummer, the bassist and the other guitarrist said that they were tired of so much surf and they wanted to play classics, oldies and rock n roll. Suicide

Find a new group of guys to play surf with!

Really really difficult because here where I live, surf music is almost unknown.
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'the wedge'

océan's devils and mariachi's fever from hawaii samourai Very Happy
indeed i try to play most song of this album cause i love the tremolo picking of the guitarist Laughing
and it rock's Embarassed
it surf 's Laughing


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 06:51:52

The Torquays are one of my favorite bands, they really nail the trad vibe but their music is really original. I'm working on their "Speedboat" right now - 'bout got it.
Also "Disconnected" by Laika and the Cosmonauts. It sort of combines a little techno with African highlife music and surf. It's fun to play.
I must be the last guy on the block to discover The Eliminators. I typed in "surf" on YouTube and found a bunch of their videos (thanks Midwest Surf Guy) and they're fantastic. So I've been getting into their two early CDs and I heard a track from their new CD on the Tsunami Soul radio show. It was amazing and Tsunami Tom said that John Blair of Jon and the Nightriders is on the CD too. WOW! Anyway, sorry to get off topic. I just learned "Dawn Patrol" by The Eliminators.
Speaking of Jon and The Nightriders, I was working on "Moon Tide" from "Fibergass Rocket," but I got frustrated trying to remember the key changes and have given it a rest for now. Great song.

Bonjour Ludobag,

Nice to read from a French surf addict on this forum !
I wonder wether the Hawaii Samurai are still active.
I had the chance to see them live in Besançon a few years ago, they definetly rock (surf Exclamation )
Dick Den's (guitar), Buanax (drums) Macst Irradiate (Black Summertime) and Guig's Irradiate (The Ronnie Rockets) have formed a new act in 2007 called" The IRRADIATES".

If you like these bands you might also check some "Man or Astroman" which seem to be one main influence for both bands.

(Actually dealing with a really challenging but oh so driving number:
"South Run" by Slacktone.)

A+ Very Happy

Hello number 9
i have seen them in dijon during the last tour
they were a great band , and i have seen the iradiate last year ,they open for messer chups in macon
that was a fantastic concert
i hope i can see them again cause there is a really good band ,for messer chups i have seen them 3 times and they were great at each time ;the last time is in bourges during the cosmics strip but they play on a little scène ?
for me they were the best band of the day and the have a really beautiful sound i love the way guitarking play is tremolo picking is fantastic i hope one day i can play like that
man or astroman is really cool i love also the ghastly ones (the ghastly stomp the torquays ,slacktones ,the volcanos ,so much band are so cool

these week end i 'm not playing much cause i install a mute on my cij jag and new pups Twisted Evil

Last edited: Oct 15, 2010 12:44:08

I appreciate your enthusiasm but can you please keep the use of emoticons down to a minimum.

I appreciate your enthusiasm but can you please keep the use of emoticons down to a minimum.

I must not have gotten that memo about what the new allowable levels are.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

It was beamed down by aliens directly to me, wasn't in writing, so you wouldn't have gotten it. Smile


I appreciate your enthusiasm but Keep the use of emoticons down to a minimum.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Haha.. well played sir!

Never thought I'd be learning a Green Day song... Espionage
Fairly easy spy sounding tune.

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

Never thought I'd be learning a Green Day song... Espionage
Fairly easy spy sounding tune.

Actually I felt the same when I was told to learn that song (me playing Green Day Shocked Hmmm !) but it became a good opening song in our gigs. Add reverb and a use a cleaner sound and you get it.
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Los Pipelines - Facebook

In an earlier post I thanked Midwest Surf Guy for the Eliminator videos I've been enjoying and learning from on YouTube. I want to also thank Surf City Video who has put dozens of Eliminator vids on YT. After primarily learning songs form CDs I've found YouTube a great new way to figure out songs. It's easy to move the cursor to the exact spot where a particular riff begins. This probably isn't breaking news, and it might be common practice for many, but it's a new learing tool for me. It sometimes helps me to see where a guitarist is on the fretboard even if there's not enough detail to see the fingering.

I'm pretty sure if I had Youtube as a kid I would a 100% better player now. A great way to find different technique and the hidden mysteries of certain songs.

I'm working on a tune for the new SG101 Comp!


I'm working on a tune for the new SG101 Comp!

me too

Learned a bit of Penetration last night... had to use tabs:( I need to get one of those half speed trainers i think..

P.S. got the cowabunga box set this week... wish i had it years ago:) great stuff

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

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