Lost Legends of Surf Guitar Vol. 3 Cheater Stomp! (Sundazed)
Whats wrong with the pressing and distribution of these compilations? Ive never found it in any record store in Portugal, then try to order from one web store just to receive one e-mail two days later with one apology but they couldnt satisfy my order and would return the money to my account, ended up buying the 1st volume at the High Rockabilly in 2006 but they only had this volume on that stall.
Almost 10 month looking for it, until I bought the 4th volume at the Rockabilly Rave in 2007, once again they didnt have any of the other volumes. Meanwhile, a friend of mine sorted me out with some Cd-r back copies of the 2nd and the 3rd volume. Only now I manage to buy on 2nd hand the 3rd volume on ebay (and by the look of it Ill have to forget to buy the 2nd volume as the prices asked on some websites are unrealistic for one Cd and its not even available on Sundazed website). Luckily enough I got this 3rd volume quite cheap from ebay, altogether P&P £3.30 (and I was willing to pay more if that was the case).
Just because of that Ill write this odd review only for this volume of the series (at least, for the time being). Although, I truly believe that what really counts is the music itself, having the Cd rather than only the songs on a Cd-r back copy or mp3s is quite great. Above all, the booklet that comes with the Cd is full of liner notes with one big text written by John Blair, and complimentary notes written by Phil Dirt, Steven J. McParland and Richard Delvy. This liner notes contains loads of valuable information about the songs. Ive never realized before that all the songs have the same producer Richard Delvy. This was enough to give me a whole new perspective over this compilation.
Overall I believe this a great collection of tracks, very consistent and therefore quite hard to pick some highlights. There are 20 songs on the cd, 3 of them were previously unreleased tracks by Thom Starr & the Galaxies (2 of them are originals and the other one is one version of Belaires Mr. Moto). The first chords of the Cd at Cheater Stomp by the Fabulous Playboys really reminds me Billy Lee Rileys intro of Red Hot but soon enough the song gains its own identity and reveals a great surf instrumental. Moving to the next song Squad Car, although my favorite all-time version of the song is by Eddie & the Showmen, this version by his ex band partner Paul Johnson on his project PJ & Artie is interesting enough to deserve a place here.
My next pick would be Hot Cinders by the Progressives which is in my opinion one great song. Together with the Kenny & the Fiends Moonshot, we can say that Dot Records is very well represented here on this compilation. Two other brilliant songs are Scorpion and Wildfire by another South Bay band, The Vibrants one band that use to play concerts with the Belaires and found out recently with some young Beach Boys. Really hope I can find their single at a reasonable price soon. In my opinion, would be a big heresy not to mention the Surfriders version of Dick Dales Surf Beat I even think I prefer this version.
I highly recommend this record to everybody, and think its a shame that Lost Legends of Surf Guitar series dont have a better distribution in Europe. If anyone from Sundazed follows this forum, Ill leave the question whats happening with the 2nd volume of this series?