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October 8 Benefit for Baja Marty

Marty Klenz, known as Baja Marty to many of us, has been very ill. Several months ago, he went to the doctor with severe pain in his side. Doctors have discovered many complications, the most frightening of them, cancer. The news is overwhelming for Marty and his family; disheartening for the surf community. Marty is currently treating Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma with chemotherapy. Because of his current condition, Marty cannot work. With utilities and other expenses, medical bills are an unwelcome, but necessary evil in the mix. In an effort to help Marty during these critical times, we have put together this event to raise funds for "Baja" Marty. For those who do not know Marty, he has been a long-time surf music fanatic. Given the name "Baja" Marty from his favorite tune recorded by the Astronauts (written by Lee Hazlewood), many people in the community know and love him. Please help!

A benefit show is planned on Saturday, October 8, 11:00am - 7:00pm at The Starting Gate, 5052 Katella Avenue, Los Alamitos, CA.

Here is the lineup:

  • The Eliminators
  • Slacktone
  • Outerwave
  • Tequila Worms
  • Sand Devils
  • The Torquays (reunion show)
  • Paul Johnson (Belairs) & Tom Stanton (Crossfires) aka High Tide
  • Point Doom

Cost: $20

This is a daytime event, held at the same location as the SG101 Convention. Please support the venue as well! They have donated the room for the event. The Starting Gate serves food and drinks all day.

Thank you in advance for helping! Every penny counts!


If you cannot make the show, but would like to donate, please do so using Paypal. Click the button below to make a donation. You do not have to be a Paypal member to donate, major credit cards are also accepted.

Thank you!



This story has 1 comment.


Thank you very Much Brian
Thumbs Up

bigtikidude | 02-Oct-2011 18:28:25 | Flag

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