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mojave desert, california

Posted on Jan 09 2008 12:33 PM
I just received an ASPRI reverb for my acoustic guitar. The unit attaches to the face of the guitar and transfers string vibration mechanically to a spring chamber. I have wanted one for a long long time...ever since I first saw (and heard) one in the late 1980s. The original Canadian manufacturer is long out of business, but these ASPRI units still pop up on the ebay every now and again. It's a cool totally acoustic reverberator that seems to work well with both steel strings and nylon strings.
check out the ASPRI mechanical reverb on Youtube
Anyone else out there use an ASPRI?
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Encinitas, Ca

Posted on Jan 09 2008 12:48 PM
I've been curious about those too. Certainly not too "drippy" but it seems to sweeten it up a bit. Please post a review once you get a chance to play around with it.
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Posted on Jan 09 2008 03:33 PM
That's actually pretty clever. Too bad it probably wouldn't fit on my Selmer copy...
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Jan 09 2008 03:44 PM
That's actually pretty clever. Too bad it probably wouldn't fit on my Selmer copy...
Yeah, the Selmer-Maccaferri style guitars have those lyre style tailpieces...the ASPRI reverb probably won't mount correctly over the tailpiece.
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Feb 12 2008 04:49 PM
After playing around with the ASPRI device, I am quite impressed! The device works as described, although it did take a few tries to learn how to place (mount) the device correctly. The ASPRI is a plastic clamp-on reverb chamber that contains springs which pickup string vibrations at the bridge. If the tension on the ASPRI reverb springs is too loose, the device can rattle; too tight and the reverb effect is diminished. After about an hour of trial and error, I learned the correct placement for my classical acoustic, and the device worked like a charm. Once I learned what placement worked best on my guitar, then it was quick and easy to get the proper setup at a moment's notice.
Of course, the reverb effect is not as dramatic as electronic effects are, this is not a replacement for the sound of a Fender Reverb Unit. Nonetheless, the effect IS compelling, so much so that find myself leaving the unit on the guitar permanently. In other words, when it's not in place, I miss the sound enhancement of the ASPRI.
Well worth the current street price of US $20-$40 if you can find one on ebay.
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Posted on Apr 20 2008 07:30 PM
Great idea but how do they work?
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Posted on Apr 20 2008 08:06 PM
Do you mean how do they function, or how well do they function? It's basically 3 springs in a plastic box. You can hear it, but it's not that loud. It is fun, though.
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Posted on Apr 20 2008 08:12 PM
It scared the crap out of me when I saw that guy put it on his guitar. Never in a million years would I put my precious up to that. Unless maybe I had one in hand and could fathom that it wouldn't hurt my precious. Not that my precious' finish is pristine.
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Posted on Apr 20 2008 08:59 PM
Do you mean how do they function, or how well do they function? It's basically 3 springs in a plastic box. You can hear it, but it's not that loud. It is fun, though.
Ok, so it's basically a gimmick huh, I wonder why anyone would bother when you can just either get an amp, foot pedal or a tank to do the job properly.
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Posted on Apr 21 2008 02:20 AM
read the first sentence of the thread!
DP, is it a bit like a resonator guitar?
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Posted on Apr 21 2008 03:12 AM
Watch the video! 
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Apr 21 2008 06:08 PM
It scared the crap out of me when I saw that guy put it on his guitar. Never in a million years would I put my precious up to that. Unless maybe I had one in hand and could fathom that it wouldn't hurt my precious. Not that my precious' finish is pristine.
don't fear the reverb!
...the ASPRI is well-padded with sturdy foam. it touches the guitar at the bridge saddles and at the bottom bout. the ASPRI does not contact the face of the guitar.
it was designed not to hurt a precious guitar...
it does sound hideous while you install it...the video sounds like he's torturing his guitar...the ASPRI is a pretty sensitive device, and picks up the "string-scrape-noise" when you slide it under the strings...sounds awful until you get it in place...
Last edited: Apr 21, 2008 18:23:54
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Apr 21 2008 06:11 PM
Do you mean how do they function, or how well do they function? It's basically 3 springs in a plastic box. You can hear it, but it's not that loud. It is fun, though.
Ok, so it's basically a gimmick huh, I wonder why anyone would bother when you can just either get an amp, foot pedal or a tank to do the job properly.
it's no gimmick. it's not designed to be an emulation of a Fender Tank or any effect pedal. It is simply a subtle acoustic tone-chamber with springs inside. the springs attach under the strings at the bridge. The springs mechanically reverberate within the chamber.
...real reverb, just not real DRASTIC reverb (like a Fender unit)
the cool part is that you can get reverberation without any electricity at all...which might be a cool thing when playing acoustic guitar unplugged...
Last edited: Apr 21, 2008 18:15:07
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Apr 21 2008 06:13 PM
read the first sentence of the thread!
DP, is it a bit like a resonator guitar?
yes, it is a bit like a resonator....the principle is basically the same.
instead of mechanically vibrating a resonator plate, the strings vibrate springs inside of an acoustic reverb chamber....
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Apr 27 2008 02:02 PM
UPDATE: there's a demo of the sound of the ASPRI unit over in the "Downloads" area, under "Gear Samples".
ASPRI reverb demo
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Posted on Feb 28 2012 06:20 AM
ASPRI reverb units are available once more!
If you're in Canada or the US then check out the link:
If you're in UK/Europe drop me a line as I have recently started importing units.
There are improvements on the original, better low frequency response to my own ear.
There are some recent videos on youtube (lovely cover of 'Here comes the Sun'). From my own experience once you have one of these fitted and bedded in a bit you won't ever take it off again.
Nylon strung available now, steel soon to follow.
Most importantly you don't need to wait it out or chance your arm on ebay!
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mojave desert, california

Posted on Feb 28 2012 10:20 AM
sweet! thanks for the update.
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San Pedro, CA

Posted on Feb 28 2012 10:37 AM
Can you tell us the difference between the nylon and steel strung versions?
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Posted on Feb 28 2012 03:48 PM
Amazed at the swift response after such a long break, many thanks.
Any interest in the nylon strung version in the UK/Europe then let me know.
Sorry cannot tell you the steel strung difference, at a guess I'd say longer metal
Bracket for the larger body. Will see for sure in April.
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St Louis

Posted on Feb 28 2012 03:57 PM
That's very weird, I've never even heard of such a thing.
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