Hiya all. Nice to see there's a group on this subject, since it's one
I've been trying to get into for some time.
My name's Chris Sutor, and I go by the handle of Cobalt. I'm 32, and
currently, I don't own a guitar, or know how to play one. However, I am
going out this weekend to audition a few models, and I bought a book -
"rock guitar for dummies." So I'm taking my first baby steps.
I've been getting advice and assistance from my brother and his wife,
both of which play, or have played in rock bands in the SF area. (Paula
plays in an all-mom punk band called The Lactators)
Now, having said that - I have made a few "Surf" tunes of my own, which
are avilable in mp3 format. Not having had a guitar to use, I made do
with a sampled guitar string pluck, a keyboard, and a sequencer.
(insert heartfelt groan) So, this stuff lacks some of the freshness
and life of real guitar rock.
Getting the guitar and finally learning to play it is the only way I
can see of taking my next step towards making real surf rock, so I'm
hoping to make good use of the collected knowledge on this group as I
fumble my way along. Hope you folks will be patient with me as I have
NO idea what I'm doing. >:)
For those of you curious about my stuff, head over to:
...for a rudimentary download page. The surf tunes are the ones by
"Cobalt and the Aquabears"....
For an extra giggle, there's a faked photo of a 67' aquabears 45 single
Now, seeing as I'm heading out this weekend to price a few guitars and
try the feel of different models - would anyone mind me asking what the
usual cost of a Fender Strat is? I've decided on that as a good basic
model to start with. I've got my eye on a metallic blue "fender
american startocaster" model over at listed at $799.
I've also been advised to haggle my butt off.
Any advice you guys could toss my way would be appreciated.
Cheers, gang!