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re : jazzmaster/jaguar bridges vs. tune-o-matics

Robb Lowe (robbhatesit) - 06 Jun 2002 02:16:19

As much hell as Fender receives for its threaded rod style barrels, NOTHING
was ever worse than the Tune-O-Matic in it's original design. Some fucktard
decided the string tension would be enough to hold the saddles in - but, for
those of us who string all 6 at a time, he included a tiny little wire to
hold them in.
You cant imagine how tight a spincter can clench until you've popped a
string on a dark stage, and the saddle bounces out onto a crowded dance
guitarist to banjoist in .05 seconds!
The later editions (and non-Gibsons) had them screwed in. You're safe with
those. I wouldnt say these things were any better than a Mustang saddle. If
you're having strings jumping out, I'd just have a luthier file them down a
bit with his nut files.
