I have a Japanese Jaguar as well. Bought it just before Christmas. I
was bored walking back from university, dropped in that small guitar
shop to see if the got some pedals or some little things I could
spend my money on to feel happy. And in the corner was that Jag.
Amazing sort of sparkly dark cherry (candy apple red???) color, in
mint condition for 300 (pounds). Went back home, the next morning
before I had my breakfast I ran to that shop said 'i want it, here's
50 quid in advance, will pay the rest'. then people would call and
and offer 500 and more for it, but it was mine.
thing with japanese jaguars is that their pickups are not reverse
wired (or whatever the proper term is) like the vintage jags. the
idea is that when you use have both pickups on the hum from one
pickup cancells out the hum from another - sort of humbucker effect.
otherwise they sound good. anyway i had some spare cash and bought 2
SD vintage for jaguar pickups - havent had a chance to put them in
the bridge is bad - it rattles and rings! so i got a mustang bridge
(you can just use mustang saddles on the stock bridge as well).
anyway thats all bollocks. here's a link you may wanna check out. its
got sound clips of SD pickups for jazzers and jags:
And one final thing. Current Japanese Jaguars are made of alder, not
basswood - some say thats better.