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Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 05 May 2002 13:24:24

Hello Fred
Thanks for the tip of the surf chords
And yes indeed the Dead Kennedys are indeed the best surf Punk band out
I think this is to thank to east bay ray
Kind regards
Jerry S
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Pleasant [mailto:]
Sent: zondag 5 mei 2002 10:02
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] IM new, and want some technique tips
The Em chords is the best:
E A D G B e
0 2 2 0 0 0
and gently whammy it.
This is a cool scale that you find a lot of surf songs
are based on:
and then there's also:
hebrew scale is good, it goes something like this:
I suggest you learn all of Holiday in Cambodia if you
haven't already. In my opinion, that song is the
ultimate merger of punk rock and surf. There's a
version of the song that's Live in 1979 which I think
is the best. I believe it's on the Jello's Revenge
cd, I just have the MP3 of it. Second best I would
say is the Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables version.
The tabs I've seen on the internet are wrong, but a
good start. If you're interested I could probably tab
it out.
I found a band on that does an interesting
blend of surf and hardcore punk. They're called Mala
I don't really like their punk songs that much, but
they have great instrumental surf tracks in there.
--- josh_2501 <> wrote:
> Hi, im new to this group, I plan on starting a old
> school surf/old
> school punk band this summer, and i'd like to know
> some of the chords
> and scales etc of surf rock. I already play a lil SR
> but its just
> from tabs, i play "Pipeline" and "Miserlou" and
> "walk dont run" you
> know, the useual classics, but i'd like to write my
> own, so i'd like
> to know some chords scales etc of surf rock.
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Richard Hawes (errant_jedi) - 05 May 2002 13:53:08

Ok, I don't want to spark any kind of political debate
in here, but how much of the DK's was the doing of
East Bay Ray? I mean soundwise. Recently the DK's
won an (what I believe to be) unconstitutional lawsuit
against Jello Biafra based on a technicality and the
fact that practically everybody hates him (Jello) and
have seized all the old records and begun touring
again playing the old stuff with a new lead singer
that has to tape the lyrics to the songs to the stage
so he'll remember them.
Now, all opinions stated above aside, was the gnarly
surfpunk sound of the DK's the vision of Jello, Ray,
or other members of the band? I know that Jello was
responsible for the bulk of the lyrics, and music was
done (at least in the beginning) by the band playing
what Jello hummed by ear.
Now, back to letting the above opinions color my view
on the matter, I wouldn't think that any of the other
members contributed that much to the band creatively
because I think their actions have erased any
credibility they might've had. I would think we have
Jello to thank moreso than anyone else.
But that's just my opinion.
--- Jerry <> wrote:
> And yes indeed the Dead Kennedys are indeed the best
surf Punk band out there
>I think this is to thank to east bay ray
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Erik Carlson (ecarlson_dublin) - 05 May 2002 14:20:25

But, ummm...East Bay Ray played the guitar.
-East Bay Erik (just kidding, I live in Austin now)
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hawes [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] YES, DEAD KENNEDYS RULE
Ok, I don't want to spark any kind of political debate
in here, but how much of the DK's was the doing of
East Bay Ray? I mean soundwise. Recently the DK's
won an (what I believe to be) unconstitutional lawsuit
against Jello Biafra based on a technicality and the
fact that practically everybody hates him (Jello) and
have seized all the old records and begun touring
again playing the old stuff with a new lead singer
that has to tape the lyrics to the songs to the stage
so he'll remember them.
Now, all opinions stated above aside, was the gnarly
surfpunk sound of the DK's the vision of Jello, Ray,
or other members of the band? I know that Jello was
responsible for the bulk of the lyrics, and music was
done (at least in the beginning) by the band playing
what Jello hummed by ear.
Now, back to letting the above opinions color my view
on the matter, I wouldn't think that any of the other
members contributed that much to the band creatively
because I think their actions have erased any
credibility they might've had. I would think we have
Jello to thank moreso than anyone else.
But that's just my opinion.
--- Jerry <> wrote:
> And yes indeed the Dead Kennedys are indeed the best
surf Punk band out there
>I think this is to thank to east bay ray
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Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 05 May 2002 15:48:01

Yes, you are absolutely right. Jello is da man. no doubt here.
Indeed he is very angry about the lawsuit, since the other band members
won it, so Jello no longer "owns" his own music.
He told us a while ago at one of his spoken word tours. But he's
fighting back.
It's too bad the other guys only are interested in money.and I think
it's too bad they lost are their credibility touring again with a "fake"
I always liked them. Holiday in C.ambod I.A. is indeed the best
Surf/punk song ever made. Although JFA (Jody Fosters Army) is a nice
band too.
Have a nice day..
"Rambozo the clown"
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Hawes [mailto:]
Sent: zondag 5 mei 2002 20:53
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] YES, DEAD KENNEDYS RULE
Ok, I don't want to spark any kind of political debate
in here, but how much of the DK's was the doing of
East Bay Ray? I mean soundwise. Recently the DK's
won an (what I believe to be) unconstitutional lawsuit
against Jello Biafra based on a technicality and the
fact that practically everybody hates him (Jello) and
have seized all the old records and begun touring
again playing the old stuff with a new lead singer
that has to tape the lyrics to the songs to the stage
so he'll remember them.
Now, all opinions stated above aside, was the gnarly
surfpunk sound of the DK's the vision of Jello, Ray,
or other members of the band? I know that Jello was
responsible for the bulk of the lyrics, and music was
done (at least in the beginning) by the band playing
what Jello hummed by ear.
Now, back to letting the above opinions color my view
on the matter, I wouldn't think that any of the other
members contributed that much to the band creatively
because I think their actions have erased any
credibility they might've had. I would think we have
Jello to thank moreso than anyone else.
But that's just my opinion.
--- Jerry <> wrote:
> And yes indeed the Dead Kennedys are indeed the best
surf Punk band out there
>I think this is to thank to east bay ray
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Fred Pleasant (fredpleasant) - 05 May 2002 23:13:39

Jello's NO WTO COMBO CD is rad. There's some spooky
riffs and stuff in his songs (New Feudalism,
Electronic Plantation). I'd really like to hear more
stuff like this in surf songs.
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