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Surf album names....

Vince Frank (mournblade1066) - 26 May 2004 16:12:34

Hey kids!
I need suggestions and/or critiques of a name
for an album. (My "group's" name is The Bookhouse
Boys, which was the name of the secret society on
Twin Peaks, for those who are old enough to
remember.) ;-)
I just completed a five track demo of instrumetal
music. I'll be perfectly honest: two of the
tracks are either techno or electronic in nature.
The other three are hybrids of surf and electronic.
The name of the ep is: "Beach Blanket Bloodbath
(and other teenage tragedies)" I'm having Angus
Oblong (yeah, from the cartoon, The Oblongs) design
the cover, based on a friend's review of a Bomboras'
album quite a few years back: "This is the perfect
soundtrack to a movie in which Frankie Avalon is
righteously decapitate in a hotrod crash into a
surf board shop, while Annette is dragged to a
watery death by a giant octopus."
I admit that I might have more ambition than talent,
but then, I always remind myself that the pop music
of the 90s is selling millions....


Richard (errant_jedi) - 27 May 2004 06:47:46

--- Vince Frank <> wrote:
>> The name of the ep is: "Beach Blanket Bloodbath
> (and other teenage tragedies)"
Hey Vince, have you heard the song by the same name by
The Phantom Creeps? They're a horror surf/garage band
from Mass.
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