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thanx for suggestions! Got Gene Krupa!

tikitakitikitakitak - 01 May 2002 11:15:17

Yep well thanx. I've already got blue stingrays CD, got some songs by
man or astroman (quite a few), got good cop bad cop and other stuff
by shadowy men...and got blue hawaiians (they do some covers of dino
martin (or whatever his name is))!
I dunno...I just got a Gene Krupa 4 CD box called the Gene Krupa
story. Well as you prolly know it's a 30's - 50's big band jazz.
Sounds like tunes from Tom and Jerry, wouldnt lisen to that on
itself. But when Gene goes drumming solos...that totally kicks ass. I
was like sitting in my room listening and just kept smiling. I see
what Dick Dale was trying to do. Dick sounds just like Gene Krupa.
That's why he did tremelo picking and stacato runs (or whatever that
stuff is called) and thats why he's loud as hell. Thats the kinda
surf I am looking for. That gives you adrenaline
Cowabunga! Surf that would do as a shark attack soundtrack...or a
huge tidal wave eating of the street washing garabge know.
I downloaded this thing called 'Death Tube' ...says its dick dale.
might be the ultras...not sure. Nice! Tribal Thinder by Dale is the
kind of stuff too.
'Blue surf' is fine, but I've got loads.
Thanx again!
