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Suggest something to listen to pls

tikitakitikitakitak - 30 Apr 2002 17:52:49

Hey all
I been downloading and buying surf for quite a while now. Many surf
bands are fun to listen to, many got great tones and great technique.
But so far I came across very few bands that play fueled, emotional,
power surf or 'totally not here, underwater' surf that gets you
goosebumps. For example, Dick Dale (of course), The Mermen, maybe
Atlantics, Ventures (he never came back, out of limits, exploration
in terror kind of tunes) less so The Ghastly Ones (on a couple of
I was wondering if you know any names I should look at, and if you
could suggest any particular tunes I'd be happy!


Richard Hawes (errant_jedi) - 30 Apr 2002 20:12:08

--- tikitakitikitakitak <> wrote:
>> I was wondering if you know any names I should look
> at, and if you
> could suggest any particular tunes I'd be happy!
> Cheers!
There was a horror surf band out of the Boston area
called 13 Ghosts for a while. This band is no longer,
but when the last guitarist they had came on board he
put together a surf tribute to the Misfits. Very,
very cool take on some old Misfits tunes. I believe
the CD's are sold out, but vinyl is still available
through the guy, or you could buy my extra copy.
There's another horror surf band from Boston called
Gein and The Graverobbers.
All their stuff is pretty good, and there are a few
mp3's available for download at the site. My favorite
GaTGR track is Camp Blood off of their full length.
You can get it from the site, it's the most charged
surf tune I've heard in a while. It's one of the only
songs I've heard in years that I'll actually put on
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Robb Lowe (robbhatesit) - 30 Apr 2002 22:12:30

For fun emotional, drama-tinged surf, I really like the Blue Hawaiians "Live
at the Lava Lounge" CD. "Pipeline/Endless Sleep" is the most unusual yet
completely satisfying medley I've ever heard. Fantastic arrangement there.
"Deception Bay" by the Penetrators is outstanding in that spy-drama vein. If
you want over the top big wave power, take a look at Slacktone, or a bevy of
others. If you get the album "Deception Bay" is on, check out "Redlined" -
definitely a powerful surf tune. (So ya'll dont think I'm a covert S3 agent,
I'll say that that album sounds like it has the Dolby noise reduction set to
MAX, which depending on your tastes, is analog-warm, or annoyingly flat).
I'm digging the Blue Stingrays "Surf-N-Burn" at the moment, an album I
disagree with Phil Dirt's review of.. I think it's one of the best surf
albums I've heard in terms of musicianship and songsmithing. (uncomplicated,
straight ahead good time tunage in the key of Fender)
----- Original Message -----
From: "tikitakitikitakitak" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 6:52 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Suggest something to listen to pls
> Hey all
> I been downloading and buying surf for quite a while now. Many surf
> bands are fun to listen to, many got great tones and great technique.
> But so far I came across very few bands that play fueled, emotional,
> power surf or 'totally not here, underwater' surf that gets you
> goosebumps. For example, Dick Dale (of course), The Mermen, maybe
> Atlantics, Ventures (he never came back, out of limits, exploration
> in terror kind of tunes) less so The Ghastly Ones (on a couple of
> tracks).
> I was wondering if you know any names I should look at, and if you
> could suggest any particular tunes I'd be happy!
> Cheers!
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One Four Six Oh (thor1460) - 01 May 2002 00:49:05

Man or Astro-man's "Destroy All Astromen" and "Project Infinity" albums are
really good. I'm sure they have other good ones too.
Space Cossacks do a number of really good songs. My favorites include Tsar
Wars, Journey to the Stars, and Cossack Rocket Patrol. There's definately a
large Atlantics influence and also Dick Dale.
I'm going to have to second that 13 Crimson Ghosts misfits cover album
thing. It's pretty cool.
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet definately have quite a few really good
songs. Misogomy & The Object, Good Cop Bad Cop, I know a guy named Lary,
Aunts Invasion, the list goes on. Not exactly surf, but if you love surf,
you will love this stuff. Oh, and you can't forget the kids in the hall
theme, Having an Average Weekend.
hmm... and for totally fueled, emotional, power surf you should check out my
band, Monsters From Mars:
I break usually every string from a 12 guage set within 2 months. Our tone
isn't exactly dick dale trad sounding, but it's wet and heavy. And we play
-Thor 1460
--- tikitakitikitakitak <> wrote:
>Hey all
>I been downloading and buying surf for quite a while
>now. Many surf bands are fun to listen to, many got great tones and
>great technique. But so far I came across very few bands that play
>fueled, emotional, power surf or 'totally not here, underwater' surf
>that gets you goosebumps. For example, Dick Dale (of course), The
>Mermen, maybe Atlantics, Ventures (he never came back, out of
>limits, exploration in terror kind of tunes) less so The Ghastly Ones
>(on a couple of tracks).
>I was wondering if you know any names I should look
>at, and if you could suggest any particular tunes I'd be happy!
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Richard Hawes (errant_jedi) - 01 May 2002 10:46:32

I'm going to have to throw up my hand in support of
Man or Astroman's "Destroy All Astromen!" as well as
The Blue Stingray's "Surf 'n Burn." I own two copies
of the latter, and I actually bought a copy for my Dad
too, him being kind of an old school surf fan himself.
I think Brett Gurewitz from Epitaph records has always
been a bit of a surf fan. I'm assuming this because
of The Blue Stingrays and also the fact that he
produced The Surf Trio's first album and recently
signed Man or Astroman for something. There was a
division of Epitaph conjured up for the release of
"Surf 'n Burn" called Epitone, which I really wish the
label had continued with for the purpose of releasing
surf. They've got Hellcat for Ska and Psychobilly
stuff...but if wishes were horses...if Brett needed a
volunteer to run the division I'd be happy to do it
for free CD's. :)
As for the rumors surrounding The Blue Stingrays, does
anybody know anything that can prove or disprove if
they're actually The Heartbreakers? It would account
for the fine musicianship and the old school tone.
~Richard...who plays surf with humbuckers...
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Brian Neal (xarxas) - 01 May 2002 16:37:26

> I been downloading and buying surf for quite a while now. Many surf
> bands are fun to listen to, many got great tones and great technique.
> But so far I came across very few bands that play fueled, emotional,
> power surf or 'totally not here, underwater' surf that gets you
> goosebumps. For example, Dick Dale (of course), The Mermen, maybe
> Atlantics, Ventures (he never came back, out of limits, exploration
> in terror kind of tunes) less so The Ghastly Ones (on a couple of
> tracks).
> I was wondering if you know any names I should look at, and if you
> could suggest any particular tunes I'd be happy!
Try The Space Cossacks, Slacktone, and the new one (only one) from the
One CD that really kills me for raw aggressive power is Jon & The
Nightriders "Raw & Alive '98". That thing smokes! Its a surf super group
featuring John Blair, Dave & Dusty from Slacktone, and Pete Curry (he who
has the most impressive surf band resume ever).
Keep your eyes peeled for the new Slacktone live disc. Should be available
real soon now.
