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Surf Coasters Guitars

thecaveofthedead - 04 May 2004 06:17:52

Impressed to see the surf coasters choice in the pictures. i could
tell just by the description actually. our other guitar player is
still kicking himself for not buying one in the uk.
check it out:
keep clicking to get high res images. these guitars don't seem to be
available on the international yamaha sites. yamaha make some
incredible guitars for surf. i've just bought a pacifica 904.
vintage strat looks meet japanese perfection. sounds like it was made
for god.


mono_tones_1 - 04 May 2004 07:36:37

they're still available at www-stores, in the US as well. I saw one
in a local guitar shop about a week ago.
--- In , "thecaveofthedead"
<thecaveofthedead@y...> wrote:
> Impressed to see the surf coasters choice in the pictures. i could
> tell just by the description actually. our other guitar player is
> still kicking himself for not buying one in the uk.
> check it out:
> keep clicking to get high res images. these guitars don't seem to
> available on the international yamaha sites. yamaha make some
> incredible guitars for surf. i've just bought a pacifica 904.
> vintage strat looks meet japanese perfection. sounds like it was
> for god.


Richard (errant_jedi) - 04 May 2004 09:04:50

I got a Yamaha SGV 300 for Christmas this past year.
Sold it in favor of my Cyclone II so I could scrape up
some money to buy another Precision bass (yeah, I
really need another one). It was a really cool
guitar, and the guy that I sold it to in Nashville
used it for one recording project and offered it back
to me. Unfortunately I had to turn it down, but a few
weeks ago I emailed him again. He had sold it to
another guy, so I emailed that guy and asked him if he
was interested in selling it. He said, "Not on your
life." I guess I'll just have to hope another one
comes along.
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