Hey all,
You probably read this on Cowabunga or Reverborama, but if not,
thought you might enjoy a little story about a great experience I had
today playing surf for some kids.
See, I teach at a local high school, and during my free period, I
like to go help out in the guitar class. The kids have never really
heard me "do my thing", just plunking on an acoustic or helping them
with theory. So, at the end of class, I asked the teacher if I could
try out his POD which was all set up and running through an amp. He
graciously accepted, and I cranked the reverb (digital as it may be)
and grabbed one of the school supplied Squier Strats. I was just
fooling around a little, and decided to break out into Miserlou, and
to my surprise all the kids yelled along with the "hey" the teacher
supplied. My jaw dropped when, in the midst of my playing, I
actually heard one kid say "hey cool, surf music!" Suddenly, all the
kids had put down their guitars and were listening, and when I
stopped and sheepishly handed the teacher the guitar back, I ended up
with a standing ovation!
So the moral of the story is -- even high school kids know and LIKE
surf music. All hope is not lost!
Also, just one gentle reminder - come out on Saturday to catch The
Neptunes, Lava Rats, Hypnotic IV, and Sub-Mersians at the Golden Gate
Yacht Club in SF. I know you know about it, but it never hurts to