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South Paw playing righthanded

maui6120w - 25 Feb 2004 21:22:15

I am in this club.I seem to have trouble trem picking on guitars
with lighter strings.Heavy strings and a shorter scale length seem
to make it easier.Also some nights I can do it much better than
other nights for no apparent reason. Maui


mono_tones_1 - 26 Feb 2004 03:57:52

So, all you southpaws out here,
anyone strings his guitar righthanded though playing lefthanded? like
the "godfather of metalmedleys" himself?
--- In , "maui6120w" <gretsch6120w@a...>
> I am in this club.I seem to have trouble trem picking on guitars
> with lighter strings.Heavy strings and a shorter scale length seem
> to make it easier.Also some nights I can do it much better than
> other nights for no apparent reason. Maui


Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 26 Feb 2004 04:11:59

As a kid (before I started to play guitar) I was under the impression
that the playing should be done with the left hand, I just seamed so
much more difficult then struming. And since I am left handed, It looked
like the obvious choiche....(I still have a trauma from pre-school?
Where a teacher made it her mission to learn me to write with my right
hand instead of left...luckily for me she gave up after my dad didn't
agree with her technique)
But the most facinating guitar player I ever saw was a salesguy at a
guitarshop who was a lefty. He always demonstrated the amps and right
handed guitars but upside down ( a là D.Dale) what he played was awsome,
he went from rock to blues to metal to surf as if he did nothing else
all day...All upside down....transpositioning chords ,licks even whole
songs...It simply amazed me....even though he usually played a lefty
guitar....he did this with such ease it just amazed me.
Jerry S.
-----Original Message-----
From: mono_tones_1 [mailto:]
Sent: donderdag 26 februari 2004 10:58
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Re: South Paw playing righthanded
So, all you southpaws out here,
anyone strings his guitar righthanded though playing lefthanded? like
the "godfather of metalmedleys" himself?


jaeger44 (windansea_63) - 26 Feb 2004 07:06:06

I'm a lefty who plays a right handed guitar upside down. They were all that was
($wise) available to me growing up in San I persisted this way.
I've received my share of puzzled looks over the years..(especially with the 5
string banjo which I play too..'cause of its 5th string tuning peg halfway up
the neck)..
but like anything, it all becomes natural the longer you do it. It has posed
somewhat of a problem with the guitars I play (Jaguar & Jazzmaster)..with the
neck stuff to some degree, but it isn't too bad...just makes for some creative
stretching. ;O) One of these days I'd like to get a lefty Jag or JM and string
it right
handed, just to see what I've been missing all these years.
Regarding trem picking..I entirely agree with Maui's post, some nights it seems
to flow effortlessly..while others it's like banging yer head against a brick
wall...go figure!
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: mono_tones_1
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 4:57 AM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Re: South Paw playing righthanded
So, all you southpaws out here,
anyone strings his guitar righthanded though playing lefthanded? like
the "godfather of metalmedleys" himself?
--- In , "maui6120w" <gretsch6120w@a...>
> I am in this club.I seem to have trouble trem picking on guitars
> with lighter strings.Heavy strings and a shorter scale length seem
> to make it easier.Also some nights I can do it much better than
> other nights for no apparent reason. Maui
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kahunatikiman - 26 Feb 2004 14:34:12

No wonder Maui and I get along so well....I too, am a lefty playing
righty. every other aspect of my life is lefty, ( write, bat,
board, kick) but the guitar. Maybe it was the neighbor's first
attempt at teaching me a thing or two when I was 5. He pushed my
fingers down on the strings so hard I almost cried!
A couple years ago, I bought a cheapy lefty guitar, and tried to
learn how to play upside down, but I got frustrated really quick.
--- In , "maui6120w" <gretsch6120w@a...>
> I am in this club.I seem to have trouble trem picking on guitars
> with lighter strings.Heavy strings and a shorter scale length seem
> to make it easier.Also some nights I can do it much better than
> other nights for no apparent reason. Maui


-=Brad Davis=- (tammibrad) - 26 Feb 2004 14:46:47

Yeah, I tried a left handed guitar right hand was traumatized.the
hand was so sad: sort of pathetically trying to fret notes and chords.I knew
I either had to shoot it or put the leftie back on the wall: I still have
both hands.
Yeah, lame humor, I know.
-----Original Message-----
From: kahunatikiman [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 2:34 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Re: South Paw playing righthanded
No wonder Maui and I get along so well....I too, am a lefty playing
righty. every other aspect of my life is lefty, ( write, bat,
board, kick) but the guitar. Maybe it was the neighbor's first
attempt at teaching me a thing or two when I was 5. He pushed my
fingers down on the strings so hard I almost cried!
A couple years ago, I bought a cheapy lefty guitar, and tried to
learn how to play upside down, but I got frustrated really quick.
--- In , "maui6120w" <gretsch6120w@a...>
> I am in this club.I seem to have trouble trem picking on guitars
> with lighter strings.Heavy strings and a shorter scale length seem
> to make it easier.Also some nights I can do it much better than
> other nights for no apparent reason. Maui
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Ric Flinn (zanshin09) - 26 Feb 2004 21:48:28

Add me to the "lefty playing righty" list. I never
really thought about playing guitar left-handed
though, not sure why. I used to think I'd have an
advantage by having my dexterous hand on the
fretboard, but not once I started trying to tremolo
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Mel Waldorf (melwaldorf) - 27 Feb 2004 05:04:32

I'm part of the list as well. So is John Hamilton, of the Mach IV/Shiz and
Buzz/Berzerkers. Actually all the string-slingers in the Alvarados (myself
and Drew Weaver on guitar, Barry Spry on bass) are southpaws also.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ric Flinn [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Re: South Paw playing righthanded
Add me to the "lefty playing righty" list. I never
really thought about playing guitar left-handed
though, not sure why. I used to think I'd have an
advantage by having my dexterous hand on the
fretboard, but not once I started trying to tremolo
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