I posted this about a week ago...
--- In , "Gavin Ehringer" <
gavinehringer@e...> wrote:
> You know him as a politician, Democratic presidential hopeful,
> and perhaps you know he's a former athlete/hockey player.
> did you know John Kerry is also a closet garage band rocker?
> National Public Radio just did a piece on Kerry's prep school
> days and the band he played in, The Electras. They waxed a
> record, sold about 100 copies, and somehow NPR found
> someone with a copy.
> On the radio, The Electras played Eddie Cochran's
> Blues," with a real twangy, surf-style guitar break. Kerry was
> band's bass player.
I bet this CD gets pressed in some shape form or
fashion. I'm real curious about it. Does anybody say
anything about whether or not the recording got
released or if it even still exists?
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