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The Pyramids Best Of Liner Notes

Brian Neal (xarxas) - 06 Apr 2002 16:16:28

Our recent discussion of The Pyramids prompted me to go back and re-read the
chapter in Bob Dalley's Surfin' Guitars on the Pyramids.
I picked up the CD "Penetration! The Best of the Pyramids" some time ago and
noticed that the liner notes were also taken from that book so I didn't read
them at the time. I just read them and have some interesting observations.
The liner notes are an edited version of the chapter in Surfin' Guitars.
Missing from the liner notes, but present in the book, is that "Road Runnah"
and "Out of Limits" were not performed by the Pyramids at all (see our
previous posts). Also, in the book, there is a section about how the band
turned on their manager and fired him. They felt he was stealing money from
them and spending too much money on the crazy promotional stunts. This is
missing from the liner notes and instead there is an interview with the same
manager! He talks about how it was his idea to have them shave their heads,
paying girls to scream, the elephants, limos, etc. I guess it wouldn't have
looked good to have him be bad mouthed in one part of the liner notes, and
then have him interviewed in another.
I wonder why they included "Road Runnah" and "Out of Limits" on the Best Of
CD when by now everyone knows its not the Pyramids? Especially since it was
stated in the source for the liner notes? I guess it would have made the CD
shorter, and when you throw out the so-so vocal numbers, there isn't too
many good songs left. Still its a good disc, and I am glad they included
"Road Runnah"...a great song. It makes me want to jump around and break
stuff everytime I hear it. Its fun to play on the guitar too. :^)
