I would like to check out this link, but it doesn't work. Is that the
right URL?
-=The Nebulas=-
>From: dave wronski <>
>Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Re: Staying in tune with cheaper hardware
>Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 03:53:54 -0800 (PST)
>Here's the hot ticket: This stuff works.
>Richard <> wrote:
>I had considered zeroing the bridge against the body
>and just using the trem one way, but I like the
>floating vibrato. I do not really have a problem with
>breaking strings and such because I actually don't
>play very heavy-handedly, and I have a pretty light
>touch on the bridge when I'm muting (so no noticeable
>going sharp), though I know exactly what Victor is
>talking about with breaking a string and having the
>whole thing go wack. I loaned the guitar to a friend
>of mine who broke a string and wasted half the show
>trying to get back in tune. But, with the 11's on it
>I think it'll be fine.
>I think that the problem was pinpointed when the idea
>of the lubing or recutting the nut was brought up,
>because I can hear the binding when I trem and when I
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