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To Rick: re: Holy Grail

Vince Frank (mournblade1066) - 30 Oct 2003 11:51:10

I had a Holy Grail for a while. It sounded OK except for the when I was
palm muting strings and it started to distort a little. I thought
something was wrong with it so I took it back and the one in the shop
did the same thing. I ended up getting the dano.
===>Hey Rick!
I had asked about the Holy Grail reverb a couple months ago.
The responses were relatively mixed. But will it get me a decent
"spring" sound? I don't have the $$$ to shell out for a decent
amplifier--all my music is recorded through my Ensoniq ASR-10
sampler, which, in turn, goes right into my computer. Also, I'd
rather not have to deal with mic-ing an amp, since I record most
of my music when the kids are asleep. (I moniter everything either
through my headphones or through my stereo speakers.)
You gotta do what you have to, right?


Ric Flinn (zanshin09) - 30 Oct 2003 12:25:35

I too have a Holy Grail, and while it's certainly no
tank, I think it does admirably well for the $60 I
shelled for a used one on ebay. Like Vince says, I can
sometimes hear it "digitalize" the sound, but if I
ignore it and just keep playing, it doesn't bother me
that much. It does fine till I can get some real
tube-driven springs.
--- Vince Frank <> wrote:
> I had a Holy Grail for a while. It sounded OK except
> for the when I was
> palm muting strings and it started to distort a
> little. I thought
> something was wrong with it so I took it back and
> the one in the shop
> did the same thing. I ended up getting the dano.
> ===>Hey Rick!
> I had asked about the Holy Grail reverb a couple
> months ago.
> The responses were relatively mixed. But will it
> get me a decent
> "spring" sound? I don't have the $$$ to shell out
> for a decent
> amplifier--all my music is recorded through my
> Ensoniq ASR-10
> sampler, which, in turn, goes right into my
> computer. Also, I'd
> rather not have to deal with mic-ing an amp, since I
> record most
> of my music when the kids are asleep. (I moniter
> everything either
> through my headphones or through my stereo
> speakers.)
> You gotta do what you have to, right?
> Vincent
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Halibut Rick (halibutrick) - 30 Oct 2003 17:57:45

I thought the holy grail sounded really good. In my mind, a decent
spring sound, except for the palm muting which is something I do a lot.
It was real important to me. I even e-mailed EH about it and their
response was that I guess it wasn't satifying my needs.
As long as you don't do the palm muting, it'll sound better than the
others, even the dano. To me all the other pedals sounded like delay
and not reverb.
If you hate it, will they let you return it? I bought mine at guitar
center and they let me trade it back for another (I actually thought it
was broken), then I traded that one in for the dano.
--- Vince Frank <> wrote:
> I had a Holy Grail for a while. It sounded OK except for the when I
> was
> palm muting strings and it started to distort a little. I thought
> something was wrong with it so I took it back and the one in the shop
> did the same thing. I ended up getting the dano.
> ===>Hey Rick!
> I had asked about the Holy Grail reverb a couple months ago.
> The responses were relatively mixed. But will it get me a decent
> "spring" sound? I don't have the $$$ to shell out for a decent
> amplifier--all my music is recorded through my Ensoniq ASR-10
> sampler, which, in turn, goes right into my computer. Also, I'd
> rather not have to deal with mic-ing an amp, since I record most
> of my music when the kids are asleep. (I moniter everything either
> through my headphones or through my stereo speakers.)
> You gotta do what you have to, right?
> Vincent
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