The Howlin Thurstons want to thank all our friends and fans that came out to Le
Bar Bat last night to support us. A special thanks to all those who shelled out
a few extra dollars for a copy of our CD (also available through our web site for the incredible low price of $4.95 + Shipping &
Handling) or our new super fashionable official Howlin Thurstons T-Shirts
(Soon to be available through our web sit for the low
low price of only $9.95 + shipping and handling). Donnatella Versace, Ralph
Lauren, and Hugo Boss have theirs
do you have yours???
Well see you all next month at the Lakeside Lounge. Thursday November 20th ,
161 Avenue B, NYC. Well start our mayhem at 9:00pm sharp and wont stop till
we run out of tunes. The Formal Gig Announcement together with our famous
suitable for framing poster will go next week.
A special note on congratulations to our good friend JP for his piece in Guitar
Player Magezine! Be sure to check it out. It on your news stands now!
The Howlin' Thurstons
"East Cost edgy and original arrangements so grodied and nastied out with
intense guitar drive and a sandpaper edge" --Phil Dirt, Reverb Central
Listen to the Thurstons new single at:
Or drop us a line at:
Member North East Surf Music Alliance(NESMA)
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