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Re: What are you playing/listening too?// Steves Dan-O U2/any bass here

bigtikidude - 14 Mar 2002 22:02:09

-Great picks to both of you Dick and Brian, I have to admit I've
kinda been a little busy but, The 2 Tremelo Beer Gut cd's are really
making an impression on me. As well as some live Mermen cd's I have.
I'm Going to finally start playing soon, so have been practicing with
a friend on all the standard surf comp songs, figured there best to
start of with, since you can hum them in your sleep,and after we get
used to playing together, start on some harder things.
As for that Dan-O-electro at Steve Soests shop, If it was a 7 string
it is the one that is tuned down to B and he uses it for "Baile De-
Chupacabras" (dance of the Bloodsuckers) mexican style song the
Torquays do.
How many other bass players on here?
Talk to ya'll later, back to lurking
Beer gut -- In SurfGuitar101@y..., "flatwound01" <rmessick2@a...>
> Current drive-time rotation for my commute (1 hr. each way), in no
> particular order of preference:
> "Instrumentals in the Key of Boss!" - Sir Finks
> "The Dragster" - Jim Messina and the Jesters
> "Cool Surfin'" - The Looney Tunes
> "Flippin' the Bird With The Treblemakers" - The Treblemakers
> "Reaction Time" - Dragstrip
> If you don't have these CD's, get 'em!! They are all quite
good . . .
> -Dick
