Where's a good/online place to pick up your music?
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--- In , "Johnston, Rick"
<rick.johnston@u...> wrote:
> Ivan,
> Where's a good/online place to pick up your music?
Hello Rick;
Hmm, I'm not really sure, as I don't go looking to buy if! I think still carries them. You could also support the surf music
community and buy from (though it appears Dave only has
our second CD):
Double Crown used to carry our stuff, but it's not listed anymore.
Maybe they still have a few. Look here:
And Ferenc used to carry them, but since he's shutting down Pop Mart,
maybe he's all out. Anyway, try:
Oh, I almost forgot! You can buy them directly from the label. Go
I think that'll take care of it. Good luck and I hope you like them!