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and speaking of Dick Dale

Weird Jack (weird_jack_stinson) - 10 Oct 2003 05:22:11

I probably missed the post on this one....but I was
watching TV a couple days ago and a Nissan Pathfinder
commercial came on. Buncha surfers hitting the
waves....when there he is....Dick Dale playing
Miserlou out of the back of the Pathfinder on the
My wife asked, "who the hell is Dick
Rocket Science Ltd. silicone racing tires


DP (noetical1) - 10 Oct 2003 11:04:20

I heard about that ad... I still have to catch it!
--- Weird Jack <> wrote:
> I probably missed the post on this one....but I was
> watching TV a couple days ago and a Nissan Pathfinder
> commercial came on. Buncha surfers hitting the
> waves....when there he is....Dick Dale playing
> Miserlou out of the back of the Pathfinder on the
> screen.
> My wife asked, "who the hell is Dick
> Dale?"....GROAN!!!
> WJ
> =====
> (0|||||0)
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gunkadisc - 10 Oct 2003 12:04:39

I'm a little disappointed really. I mean, surf music is supposed
to be all about surfin', girls, guitars, and REAL cars. Not like
that crappy Pathfinder. I mean really, if you were going to go
through all that hassle to take Dick on Surfari with you, would you
really want him playing outta some wimpy little Blues Junior? HELL
NO! You would pack his ass and his SHOWMAN into the back of Arnold's
HUMMER and plow the whole damn rig right down onto the sand at the
H.B. pier like a TRUE Californian!!! ~Mike
--- In , DP <noetical1@y...> wrote:
> I heard about that ad... I still have to catch it!
> dp
> --- Weird Jack <jack.stinson@s...> wrote:
> > I probably missed the post on this one....but I was
> > watching TV a couple days ago and a Nissan Pathfinder
> > commercial came on. Buncha surfers hitting the
> > waves....when there he is....Dick Dale playing
> > Miserlou out of the back of the Pathfinder on the
> > screen.
> > My wife asked, "who the hell is Dick
> > Dale?"....GROAN!!!
> > WJ
> >
> >


Johnston, Rick (ricknautica) - 10 Oct 2003 12:08:41

Hey bro, it's just a commercial...
Don't you think Dick would have rather had his juice machine flowing???
Help me out, where to get some of the early Agent Orange on CD???
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Richard (errant_jedi) - 10 Oct 2003 12:20:07

--- DP <> wrote:
> I heard about that ad... I still have to catch it!
> dp
I saw them run it last night on Comedy Central. He's
only in it for a few seconds and you hear the very
opening lick of Misirlou. I wonder if he had his amp
plugged into the cigarette lighter or what...
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CMG (fleegix99) - 10 Oct 2003 12:23:06

I have to say I was proud when my wife said, "Hey look...Dick Dale"
She's coming along nicely.
----- Original Message -----
From: Weird Jack
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:22 AM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] and speaking of Dick Dale
I probably missed the post on this one....but I was
watching TV a couple days ago and a Nissan Pathfinder
commercial came on. Buncha surfers hitting the
waves....when there he is....Dick Dale playing
Miserlou out of the back of the Pathfinder on the
My wife asked, "who the hell is Dick
Rocket Science Ltd. silicone racing tires
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


DP (noetical1) - 10 Oct 2003 12:27:07

I bet you can find Agent Orange at or You might try Mike
Palm's Agent Orange site.
also :
good luck
--- "Johnston, Rick" <>
> Hey bro, it's just a commercial...
> Don't you think Dick would have rather had his juice
> machine flowing???
> smirk
> Help me out, where to get some of the early Agent Orange
> on CD???
> Rick!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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DP (noetical1) - 10 Oct 2003 12:27:47

dick is cool...
:) dp
--- Richard <> wrote:
> --- DP <> wrote:
> > I heard about that ad... I still have to catch it!
> > dp
> I saw them run it last night on Comedy Central. He's
> only in it for a few seconds and you hear the very
> opening lick of Misirlou. I wonder if he had his amp
> plugged into the cigarette lighter or what...
> Richard
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David Lindsey (wyodave2) - 10 Oct 2003 12:31:39

That's nothing. I took my wife to Dick's show in Denver. She asked me what
to wear, and I told her Dick really likes cleavage. She took care of that,
and at the end of his first three songs he flicks one of his picks at her
after liking it. It flies through the air and lands right on her rack.
Some drunk in the crowd hollers "bitchin" and Dick says: "no, those are
bitchin". Now that's a wife.
Lindsey Rocks!
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Johnston, Rick (ricknautica) - 10 Oct 2003 12:35:42

My wife thought I wanted to take her to the bedroom when I mentioned
Dickdale??? Boy, does she need some work...
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


ipongrac - 10 Oct 2003 13:01:18

I saw the commercial last night for the first time (they showed it at
least twice during the Thursday night NBC programming - EXPENSIVE
advertising slots!), and I was all excited! Until my wife poured
some cold water on me: "he looks like a freak." Well, yes, he does,
she had a point. How many people that see that commercial will be
totally puzzled? "What the hell does that old, weird-looking guy
dressed like a Hell's Angel have to do with surfing or cars? Who is
he? Why is he playing the Pulp Fiction song?" Or maybe, "so, the
commercial tells us that the Pathfinder is big enough to bring
slightly-unhinged grandpa while we go surfing - he can entertain
himself by playing the guitar while we're in the water."
Anyway, I really am happy for him, and I'm excited surf music is
getting that kind of exposure (oh, sorry, I meant Dick-Rock! Ha -
exposure!) but I don't think that'll be a long-lived commercial. Tape
it now for posterity.
PS Rick, ask yourself would you rather that your wife upon hearing
you say 'Dick Dale!' replies with a) oooh, surf music! or b) let's
go, bedroom, now! Hmmm.....
--- In , "Johnston, Rick"
<rick.johnston@u...> wrote:
> My wife thought I wanted to take her to the bedroom when I
> Dickdale??? Boy, does she need some work...


Weird Jack (weird_jack_stinson) - 10 Oct 2003 13:04:57

Agreed....most people will say what my wife said and
wonder who the hell Dick Dale is.
And ya know, it would have been much better if it were
a Jeep Wrangler commercial! Actually, it would be
better if the Nissan was a Chevy Nomad wagon....but
since most cars these days lack class entirely, I
would have preferred to see a Wrangler on the sand. At
least it would get in and out without using a winch.
But most yuppish soccer mom's don't go anywhere that
needs 4WD anyway. There is just something inherently
wrong with the concept of a luxury 4WD vehicle.
I am put off with all of the car adverts using all
these songs and artists. I am horrified by Caddy's Led
Zep strains...and The Ramones tunes in a car ad?
No wait, wasn't Johnny Ramone one of Rolling Stones
top 100 guitar players of all time? Up in the top 30
as I's a crazy world.
--- ipongrac <> wrote:
> I saw the commercial last night for the first time
> (they showed it at
> least twice during the Thursday night NBC
> programming - EXPENSIVE
> advertising slots!), and I was all excited! Until
> my wife poured
> some cold water on me: "he looks like a freak."
> Well, yes, he does,
> she had a point. How many people that see that
> commercial will be
> totally puzzled? "What the hell does that old,
> weird-looking guy
> dressed like a Hell's Angel have to do with surfing
> or cars? Who is
> he? Why is he playing the Pulp Fiction song?"
> Anyway, I really am happy for him, and I'm excited
> surf music is
> getting that kind of exposure (oh, sorry, I meant
> Dick-Rock!) but I
> don't think that'll be a long-lived commercial.
> Tape it now for
> posterity.
> Ivan
> --- In , "Johnston,
> Rick"
> <rick.johnston@u...> wrote:
> > My wife thought I wanted to take her to the
> bedroom when I
> mentioned
> > Dickdale??? Boy, does she need some work...
> >
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
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Rocket Science Ltd. silicone racing tires


Johnston, Rick (ricknautica) - 10 Oct 2003 13:07:24

PS Rick, ask yourself would you rather that your wife upon hearing
you say 'Dick Dale!' replies with a) oooh, surf music! or b) let's
go, bedroom, now! Hmmm
Quite the quandry, , but fortunately we have the TV and the CD player in the
So, I choose all of the above! grin
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 10 Oct 2003 18:11:43

> I have to say I was proud when my wife said, "Hey look...Dick Dale"
> She's coming along nicely.
> CG
My wife did the same! I was in the living room and she in the kitchen. I
hear this frantic "Dick Dale's on TV"..Me: "quick...what channel, what
channel???", but it was too late I missed it.
We are lucky guys CG....I've actually got mine playing surf music on bass!
Its awesome. She's playing along to the Bambi Molesters version of Bombora
right now as I type ;-)


Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 11 Oct 2003 01:51:55

Hi Brain,
Any chance you, or your wife might do a bass tab for Bombora? And upload
the file?
It would be nice for all the biginning Surf Bass players.
"My wife did the same! I was in the living room and she in the kitchen.
I hear this frantic "Dick Dale's on TV"..Me: "quick...what channel, what
channel???", but it was too late I missed it.
We are lucky guys CG....I've actually got mine playing surf music on
bass! Its awesome. She's playing along to the Bambi Molesters version of
Bombora right now as I type ;-)"
Since the Bass is more complicated then just following the Guitar, some
bass tabs would be great.
Just an idea,
Jerry S.


Ian Ancelin (skatalite_of_love) - 12 Oct 2003 12:35:18

If you have an independent record store in your town you can probably obtain
"living in darkness" which is their first lp... if they dont have it you
could make them order it. Other wise if your looking for other releases like
the bithin' sumemer ep, i have never personaly seen them for sale. if all
else fails try ebay.
>From: "Johnston, Rick" <>
>Subject: RE: [SurfGuitar101] Re: and speaking of Dick Dale
>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 10:08:41 -0700
> Hey bro, it's just a commercial...
>Don't you think Dick would have rather had his juice machine flowing???
>Help me out, where to get some of the early Agent Orange on CD???
> Rick!
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Ian Ancelin (skatalite_of_love) - 12 Oct 2003 12:39:25

As much of a fan that i am for 70's punk rock, and the ramones in general,
jhonny ramone doesnt really deserve his spot in the 100 greatest guitar
players of all time... he did however play a mosrite and that is cool.
>From: Weird Jack <>
>Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Re: and speaking of Dick Dale
>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 11:04:57 -0700 (PDT)
>Agreed....most people will say what my wife said and
>wonder who the hell Dick Dale is.
>And ya know, it would have been much better if it were
>a Jeep Wrangler commercial! Actually, it would be
>better if the Nissan was a Chevy Nomad wagon....but
>since most cars these days lack class entirely, I
>would have preferred to see a Wrangler on the sand. At
>least it would get in and out without using a winch.
>But most yuppish soccer mom's don't go anywhere that
>needs 4WD anyway. There is just something inherently
>wrong with the concept of a luxury 4WD vehicle.
>I am put off with all of the car adverts using all
>these songs and artists. I am horrified by Caddy's Led
>Zep strains...and The Ramones tunes in a car ad?
>No wait, wasn't Johnny Ramone one of Rolling Stones
>top 100 guitar players of all time? Up in the top 30
>as I's a crazy world.
>--- ipongrac <> wrote:
> > I saw the commercial last night for the first time
> > (they showed it at
> > least twice during the Thursday night NBC
> > programming - EXPENSIVE
> > advertising slots!), and I was all excited! Until
> > my wife poured
> > some cold water on me: "he looks like a freak."
> > Well, yes, he does,
> > she had a point. How many people that see that
> > commercial will be
> > totally puzzled? "What the hell does that old,
> > weird-looking guy
> > dressed like a Hell's Angel have to do with surfing
> > or cars? Who is
> > he? Why is he playing the Pulp Fiction song?"
> >
> > Anyway, I really am happy for him, and I'm excited
> > surf music is
> > getting that kind of exposure (oh, sorry, I meant
> > Dick-Rock!) but I
> > don't think that'll be a long-lived commercial.
> > Tape it now for
> > posterity.
> >
> > Ivan
> >
> > --- In , "Johnston,
> > Rick"
> > <rick.johnston@u...> wrote:
> > > My wife thought I wanted to take her to the
> > bedroom when I
> > mentioned
> > > Dickdale??? Boy, does she need some work...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been
> > removed]
> >
> >
> > ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
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> > .
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
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Weird Jack (weird_jack_stinson) - 12 Oct 2003 13:48:26

Actually, according to what he himself stated in a TV
interview a few years back, Johnny Ramone couldn't
even play the guitar when they started playing CBGB's.
He learned like three chords and just banged on it.
There were many names on that insepid Rolling Stone
list which had no business being there. Jack White? It
just shows what Rolling Stone has become (or perhaps
always has been). And there were many many names which
were not on the list and should have been.
--- Ian Ancelin <> wrote:
> As much of a fan that i am for 70's punk rock, and
> the ramones in general,
> jhonny ramone doesnt really deserve his spot in the
> 100 greatest guitar
> players of all time... he did however play a mosrite
> and that is cool.
Rocket Science Ltd. silicone racing tires
