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Some good news...

IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 07 Mar 2002 08:44:18

Well, just to make sure that we counterbalance the bad news about the
Eliminators (a great band, RIP), here's some good news:
My Shadows tribute band the Troubadours will be playing two shows in the
next few months, and we are guests of two fantastic bands. Details:
April 20th, Lili's, Detroit w/ the Volcanos
June 8th, Radio Radio, Indianapolis w/ Destination:Earth! and the Volcanos
Yes, we managed to get the Volcanos out of hiding!! I'm looking forward
to seeing them again as much as playing the shows myself! And
Destination: Earth! are a fantastic band that's pushing the envelope in a
cool way, picking up where MoAM? left off a few years ago, but doing it in
their own inimitable style! And I do mean style... If you see them live,
you'll know what I mean...
Not too many chances to hear this many instrumental sounds in one sitting,
so I hope we'll see at least a few people from the lists at the shows.
PS Rip, we're playing Man of Mystery - you have no excuse!


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 07 Mar 2002 18:37:47

Hi Ivan,
Are the Volcanos the surf version of the Hellebenders? Or am I thinking of
another group?
I am seriously considering the Indianapolis show.
See ya (?)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IVAN PONGRACIC [mailto:]
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 8:44 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Some good news...
> Well, just to make sure that we counterbalance the bad news about the
> Eliminators (a great band, RIP), here's some good news:
> My Shadows tribute band the Troubadours will be playing two shows in the
> next few months, and we are guests of two fantastic bands. Details:
> April 20th, Lili's, Detroit w/ the Volcanos
> June 8th, Radio Radio, Indianapolis w/ Destination:Earth! and the Volcanos
> Yes, we managed to get the Volcanos out of hiding!! I'm looking forward
> to seeing them again as much as playing the shows myself! And
> Destination: Earth! are a fantastic band that's pushing the envelope in a
> cool way, picking up where MoAM? left off a few years ago, but doing it in
> their own inimitable style! And I do mean style... If you see them live,
> you'll know what I mean...
> Not too many chances to hear this many instrumental sounds in one sitting,
> so I hope we'll see at least a few people from the lists at the shows.
> Ivan
> PS Rip, we're playing Man of Mystery - you have no excuse!


IVAN PONGRACIC (ipongrac) - 07 Mar 2002 21:21:55

On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Brian Neal wrote:
> Are the Volcanos the surf version of the Hellebenders? Or am I thinking of
> another group?
Well, it's actually the other way around - the Hellbenders are the
spaghetti-western version of the Volcanos - since the Volcanos have two
acclaimed CDs out plus several singles and comp tracks, while the
Hellbenders have only released a handful of song altogether! Actually,
the two bands have different bass players, too. But the Volcanos are
fantastic, very trad, very good. You should check out their CDs.
> I am seriously considering the Indianapolis show.
> See ya (?)
Great!! I hope so!
