I'm something of a newbee here.
Played surf and Rock 'n roll in the sixties & early seventies...
Kinda slacked away over time becoming a wage slave.
Decided to start re-learning myself to have fun again.
Found your group and have been lurking a bit to learn
the scene..
Enough History...Let the Questions begin!
I want to get a decent, yet moderately inexpensive
all purpose effects processor pedal.
Reverb synth not an issue, as the tank in my Fender amp is ok.
Just want pitch bending and some other frills to play with.
I've been looking at the Zoom 707, or 606, or even a 505
(if I can get an expression pedal with it),
OR a Digitech RP200 or 300 or other.
Do you guys have any caveats or laurels regarding my
initial choices? Any other Swiss Army Effects Pedals
out there I should look out for?
TIA for your patience.
OOF (Official Old Fart)
Mosrite Celebrity S/N K0008 (Original Owner)
Fender Reverb (old tuber, still cooks)
Hey Bill,
I love fx pedals, but I confess I haven't been too keen on the
multi-fx pedals. You can get a lot of information about pedals from For surf music, i am mostly interested in tremelo,
and echo, but occasionally, overdrive, or even chorus. I think a lot
of the pedals you mentioned are pretty comparable in terms of what
they offer at their respective price point--I'm just not too impressed
with them. Guyatone makes very good cheap pedals. I love the pedals by
DLS and Analogman--both make absolute killer chorus pedals--but I am
one of those guys who thinks fx should be used in extreme
moderation--except for reverb. Some digital reverb units are truly
amazing, but be prepared to spend at least $1500--most of the cheaper
units don't have much to recommend them. I've never heard a digital
reverb pedal I could love. Of course, your mileage may vary--I'm a
long time sufferer of Gear Acquisition Syndrome--I'm hopeless. I've
gotten rid of 90% of everything I've ever bought--but my core
collection I could never part with. Good luck!
--- In , pwrose@j... wrote:
> I'm something of a newbee here.
> Played surf and Rock 'n roll in the sixties & early seventies...
> Kinda slacked away over time becoming a wage slave.
> Decided to start re-learning myself to have fun again.
> Found your group and have been lurking a bit to learn
> the scene..
> Enough History...Let the Questions begin!
> I want to get a decent, yet moderately inexpensive
> all purpose effects processor pedal.
> Reverb synth not an issue, as the tank in my Fender amp is ok.
> Just want pitch bending and some other frills to play with.
> I've been looking at the Zoom 707, or 606, or even a 505
> (if I can get an expression pedal with it),
> OR a Digitech RP200 or 300 or other.
> Do you guys have any caveats or laurels regarding my
> initial choices? Any other Swiss Army Effects Pedals
> out there I should look out for?
> TIA for your patience.
> OOF (Official Old Fart)
> Bill
> Mosrite Celebrity S/N K0008 (Original Owner)
> Fender Reverb (old tuber, still cooks)