There's a nice Tele with a Bigsby down at my local guitar shop. Maybe
it is sacreligious, but I prefer the Bigsby trem to the Strat or even
the Jag trem. In the mid-year Fender catalog, there is a signature
model for the guitar player in Marilyn Manson's band whose model
includes a Bigsby. It's black and chrome - a very cool looking guitar,
but the 3 X 3 headstock looks like a canoe paddle!
My amp collection grew again...I bought a '73 AIMS Dual 12 for my
stage amp. It has tons of clean headroom, 50 watts, two channels, 2
Eminence 12's with the metal dust covers, reverb, and a wicked good
vibrato. All hand-wire with military-grade electonics, according to a
amp-builder buddy. The cabinet is a brick shit shack!
I've never seen one of these amps, but they were made in Arizona. Very
Fender-ish sound, like a Bassman. Anybody know anything about these amps?
--- In , "maui6120w" <gretsch6120w@a...>
> There has been some talk about Telecasters with Bigsbys on them.
> I've been wanting to put a bigsby on my Tely for some time now but
> only ran into problems so I never did it.
> I was very happy to hear Fender will be releasing Telecasters with
> Bigsbys from the factory next month. I think they will have 3
> models.I also think they will be made in Japan.I'm looking forward to
> buying one! Maui