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Fender Reverb: Vintage v Reissue

rio452001 - 18 Aug 2003 09:26:03

A local shop has a mid-60s (black tolex, white knobs) Fender reverb
unit for about $100 US more than the Musician's Friend "special
offer" on the black tolex re-issue for $450 US...
The vintage model seems to work fine... are they generally sturdy? If
it should screw up in future, are they generally easy to have
My current inclination is to go with the vintage, unless there's some
reason to prefer the modern re-issue?


Johnston, Rick (ricknautica) - 18 Aug 2003 09:34:42

Hello Listers,
I've recently been back in to playing more surf guitar and use a Fender
Blues Deville with a Clapton signature Strat?
Does this set up suffice or can someone advise me to a better rig?
Peace, Rick!
-----Original Message-----
From: rio452001 [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 7:26 AM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Fender Reverb: Vintage v Reissue
A local shop has a mid-60s (black tolex, white knobs) Fender reverb
unit for about $100 US more than the Musician's Friend "special
offer" on the black tolex re-issue for $450 US...
The vintage model seems to work fine... are they generally sturdy? If
it should screw up in future, are they generally easy to have
My current inclination is to go with the vintage, unless there's some
reason to prefer the modern re-issue?
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Halibut Rick (halibutrick) - 18 Aug 2003 11:46:51

That sounds like a pretty darned good price for a vintage unit. I've
been playing my '64 pretty steady for over 20 years now and it's held
up just fine. I've also got a reissue. I'm pretty happy with the sound
of either, but there's just something cooler about playing vintage.
I'd go for the vintage.
--- rio452001 <> wrote:
> A local shop has a mid-60s (black tolex, white knobs) Fender reverb
> unit for about $100 US more than the Musician's Friend "special
> offer" on the black tolex re-issue for $450 US...
> The vintage model seems to work fine... are they generally sturdy? If
> it should screw up in future, are they generally easy to have
> repaired?
> My current inclination is to go with the vintage, unless there's some
> reason to prefer the modern re-issue?
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