I can't remember if any of the bands posted about the show.
So I figured I better throw out a last minute post before everyone
left the office computers for the weekend.
Sat. Aug 16th 9pm probably 5 to 10 dollars but not sure.
Where: Westchester Sports Grill in Westchester Ca. Just a few miles
north of LAX, and about a half a mile west of the 405 freeway.
Sorry I don't have the address, I deleated all the e-mails about it.
And could drive there half asleep, I know I've driven home form there
half asleep many times. It's across the street form the Police dept.
and on Manchester Blvd.
Bands are:
Goofyfoots 9pm
Detenators 10pm
Chum 11pm
Insects at 12am midnight
and maybe a brief apperance of the Moby Dicks doing a song or 2.
This is a must see gig,