I just read somewhere that Vinnie Bell played the guitar on those
eerie soundtracks for David Lynch movies (Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart,
Twin Peaks), composed by Angelo Badalementi (that's not his exact
name, but I'm too lazy right now to look it up).
===>"Badalamenti" is the spelling, I think.
But WOW! Talk about a small world--I had no idea that Vinnie Bell
did the guitar work for the Twin Peaks soundtrack. I say "small world"
simply because it is the track from the TP soundtrack, "The Bookhouse
Boys," from which I took my "band's" name (ok, it's just a solo project
thus far)--i.e., I record under the moniker, The Bookhouse Boys. The
guitar on that track *IS* what I call "Gothabilly"--sorta like graveyard
rock, or doom rockabilly. That twangy guitar is so sinister and ominous,
not to mention incredibly atmospheric. (And the saxophone theme--also
used in "Dance of the Dream Man"--through that canyon-like echo is the
icing on the cake.)
Twin Peaks was, in my opinion, THE greatest show on television ever--at
least the first season. And the soundtrack--well, what can be said?
Absolutely awesome. No surf, but dark, slow, jazzy rock. Highly
It's amazing how much a good soundtrack can do enhance a movie.
Although it certainly ain't surf, take the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian.
A slightly above-average "sword & sorcery" flick, but the soundtrack by
Basil something or other (can't recall--actually, I can't spell--his last name)
is one of the greatest ever.