Thanks a lot for this excellent report. I almost feel like I was
there... and I sure wish I was.
--- In , "Brian Neal" <bneal@i...> wrote:
> (Disclaimer: excessively long cross posted message....sorry if you
get it a
> bunch of times)
> Show Report: The Troubadours, The Nebulas, Destination: Earth!
> Zanies Too, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 12-July-2003
> For the last few years there has been a summer surf show in Indy. I was
> fortunate enough to go last year, and knew I had to go again for
this year's
> bash. Luckily for me, fellow list member and surf fanatic Dick Messick
> decided to go as well. I met Dick for the first time in person at
the Indy
> airport, and our surf adventure began. BTW, Dick is a first class A
#1 guy,
> and it was great to finally meet him in person.