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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Digest Number 79

Guitardo Montalbone (guitardo_montalbone) - 12 Feb 2002 04:16:59

Hey people. I am looking for a hanful of cool surf tunes to add to the song
list. If you could only buy
one cd, what would you go for ? I'm almost thinking compilation, I have a
couple old Dick Dale & Ventures
albums. Thank you.


mctippens - 12 Feb 2002 09:28:52

If I could own only one surf CD (and not a box set, like the Cowabunga box)
it would be Jon and the Nightriders "Surf Beat '80". It's right in the middle
of everything not being the 1st wave or the recent wave. It includes so many
of the important standard surf tunes and some great originals. It also has
the great vintage sound.
> Hey people. I am looking for a hanful of cool surf tunes to add to the song
> list. If you could only buy
> one cd, what would you go for ? I'm almost thinking compilation, I have a
> couple old Dick Dale & Ventures
> albums. Thank you.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
