I have used a buzz stop on my CIJ Jag for over a year now. I like it
alot. I will try to lay out pros and cons as I see them.
- Strings don't skip out of saddle
- bridge hardware does not unscrew it's self
- maybe more sustain?
- reduces sound from strings between bridge and trem (some like this
- String breakage at saddle due to greatly increased tension (I
changed to graph tech saddles and problem went away)
- must jack up saddle screws and lower bridge screws for strings to
clear back of bridge (mustang saddles may not work)
- Can add friction to trem system causing not to return to tune (a
touch of grease at roller points works well for me)
- makes pivoting bridge swing towards neck (I let bridge hit stop
with trem arm down, then set up in the position the bridge returns to
when trem is released)
RE: trem arm. I have had good results with a piece of heatshrink over
end of arm. push in until arm stops before crimped fingers in socket.
I never take arm out and it stays where I put it.