Hi all,
I atended to a free concert in a park last night to see various bands
play, always fun to see bands playing in open air with plenty of sun.
Non of the bands was surf or surf related, just the average music, some
rock'n'roll and African music etc. But the last band, wow that guitarist
had gear....a BF "super" twin reverb a 63 sunburst (all original Jaguar)
and a 62 sunburst Jazzmaster (also original)
Very cool. He played a really twangy guitar, very nice. It made me
realize what special sounding guitars the Jaguar and the Jazzmaster are.
They made this band sound completely different from the average strat
equiped band. Very nice.
Their synth was coupled on a SF Bassman amp, and this sounded very nice
as well.
Anyway, just a proof of that the Jag and Jazzmaster make it more