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Re: [SurfGuitar101] Rumble

Richard (errant_jedi) - 20 Jun 2003 01:12:15

I haven't read the entire article yet, but Rumble
wasn't the only instro tune to get banned from radio
play. The Tornado's song, "Shootin' Beavers"
supposedly got banned from radio stations all over
California as well, for obvious reasons.
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efrem_the_retarded_rabbit - 20 Jun 2003 04:08:48

Same for The Blazers' "Beaver Patrol," which is a really cool tune.
--- In , Richard <errant_jedi@y...>
> I haven't read the entire article yet, but Rumble
> wasn't the only instro tune to get banned from radio
> play. The Tornado's song, "Shootin' Beavers"
> supposedly got banned from radio stations all over
> California as well, for obvious reasons.
> Richard


Gavin Ehringer (windanseabeachboy) - 20 Jun 2003 09:56:30

Great! Exactly the kind of feedback I'll need to improve this piece!
(Rumble, one of only a handful of instrumentals...)
Now, I do recall "Beaver Patrol" — great title, great tune. Haven't
heard "Shootin' Beavers," but I'm sure it screams.
--- In , Richard <errant_jedi@y...> wrote:
> I haven't read the entire article yet, but Rumble
> wasn't the only instro tune to get banned from radio
> play. The Tornado's song, "Shootin' Beavers"
> supposedly got banned from radio stations all over
> California as well, for obvious reasons.
> Richard
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


Brian Neal (xarxas) - 20 Jun 2003 19:15:47

Nice job on the Premier history Gavin.
I just picked up "Guitar Ace", the new Link Wray tribute out on
MuSick records (great cover of Jack The Ripper Ferenc!!).
Gregory Nicoll did a very nice job on the liner notes. He
interviewed Link in 1997. Link clarified that Rumble wasn't so much
banned from the airwaves, its just that DJ's couldn't say the name
of the song because it was too "suggestive". Although it wouldn't
surprise me if some local radio stations did ban it.
I haven't let the CD soak in yet, but I think it's going to be a
winner in my book. And I agree with Ivan, its a great companion to
the Morricone tribute CD that came out recently. A lot of the same
bands are on it with some highly inventive covers.
Oh yeah....according to the liner notes, Rumble was recorded on
a '53 Les Paul. That fateful night when Link changed the universe by
making up Rumble on the spot, his brother put a microphone on his
Premier amp. This was simply not done at the time (PA system, whats
that?). Later, when he went to record Rumble, he couldn't get that
loud distorted sound he got that night, so he did the now infamous
pencil punching trick on his speakers.
--- In , "Gavin Ehringer"
<gavinehringer@e...> wrote:
> Great! Exactly the kind of feedback I'll need to improve this
> (Rumble, one of only a handful of instrumentals...)
> Now, I do recall "Beaver Patrol" — great title, great tune. Haven't
> heard "Shootin' Beavers," but I'm sure it screams.
> Gavin
> --- In , Richard <errant_jedi@y...>
> >
> > I haven't read the entire article yet, but Rumble
> > wasn't the only instro tune to get banned from radio
> > play. The Tornado's song, "Shootin' Beavers"
> > supposedly got banned from radio stations all over
> > California as well, for obvious reasons.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
> >
