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Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's Fender Reverb tank

Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 12 Jun 2003 01:08:33

Hi All,
Sorry to bother you guys again. I got an offer from someone to sell me a
blonde reissiue 63 reverb tank made in the late 80's bigin 90ties.
Accourding to the seller it comes with new built in, and extra tubes
(seperate) The asking price is not that much as it is ussually here.
(arround 425 US $) (new price is now a massive 800$)
And I hope to get it for a bit less. But how good are these early
nineties reissue reverbs? I found the new 2002 reissue a played on way
to harsh sounding, and if necesary I would like not to mod it first
All you opinions will be most welcome,
Jerry S.


-=Dan Ware=- (reverbtank2002) - 13 Jun 2003 20:37:58

All reverb tanks are EVIL! EVIL!!!
My recent chronological list of reverb tank events:
-vintage '66 stops passing reverb signal - just dry guitar
-vintage '66 comes back from the tech with NOS spring tray and sounds
like ass, so I leave it home
-Reissue craps out mid-performance at the block island music festival. I
thought I heard my showman vibrato going but it was the reverb return signal
dropping in and out. Rocking back and forth yields no results except
intermittent crashing springs, a 10" drop onto the stage does the trick and
whips the crowd into a frenzy.
I've grown to feel like I should be bringing a set of fine china to shows
instead of my reverb would probably take the punishment a lot
better. (Punishment being defined as ginger would think we
had vials of nitroglycerin inside these things)
Someone needs to build one that can take a little "handling".
To answer your question Jerry, I think the tank would be a safe bet for
such short money. If you just cant grow to like the tone, you can at least
get your money back, maybe more...but be wary of the low price...could be an
effort just to get rid of a headache.
-=The Nebulas=-
>From: "Jerry" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's Fender Reverb
>Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:08:33 +0200
>Hi All,
>Sorry to bother you guys again. I got an offer from someone to sell me a
>blonde reissiue 63 reverb tank made in the late 80's bigin 90ties.
>Accourding to the seller it comes with new built in, and extra tubes
>(seperate) The asking price is not that much as it is ussually here.
>(arround 425 US $) (new price is now a massive 800$)
>And I hope to get it for a bit less. But how good are these early
>nineties reissue reverbs? I found the new 2002 reissue a played on way
>to harsh sounding, and if necesary I would like not to mod it first
>All you opinions will be most welcome,
>Jerry S.
The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*


Jeff (bigtikidude) - 13 Jun 2003 20:48:34

It's weird how some people don't like the slighest jar to happen to
their tanks and others have no qualms about kicking them for a splash
at appropriate times in a song. Garret from The Ghastly Ones used to
put his foot across his tank sideways and shake it quite vigorously
for a good 5/6 seconds. And Rick from Surf Report has a homemade tank
in a nice wood box that he kicks quite hard and often.And I've never
heard or seen them experiance any problems with them.
Kinda like getting a classic car from an old Lady. It looks to be
in great shape. But you step on it to see what it's got and it wants
to roll over and die.
By the way, I've been listening to the Nebulas Suzy's gig form your
tour out here(killer!!). Do you have a copy of that? If not would
you like one?
--- In , "-=Dan Ware=-"
<reverbtank@h...> wrote:
> All reverb tanks are EVIL! EVIL!!!
> My recent chronological list of reverb tank events:
> -vintage '66 stops passing reverb signal - just dry guitar
> -vintage '66 comes back from the tech with NOS spring tray and
> like ass, so I leave it home
> -Reissue craps out mid-performance at the block island music
festival. I
> thought I heard my showman vibrato going but it was the reverb
return signal
> dropping in and out. Rocking back and forth yields no results
> intermittent crashing springs, a 10" drop onto the stage does the
trick and
> whips the crowd into a frenzy.
> I've grown to feel like I should be bringing a set of fine china
to shows
> instead of my reverb would probably take the punishment
a lot
> better. (Punishment being defined as ginger would
think we
> had vials of nitroglycerin inside these things)
> Someone needs to build one that can take a little "handling".
> To answer your question Jerry, I think the tank would be a safe
bet for
> such short money. If you just cant grow to like the tone, you can
at least
> get your money back, maybe more...but be wary of the low
price...could be an
> effort just to get rid of a headache.
> -Dano
> -=The Nebulas=-
> >From: "Jerry" <jerry.soetewey@b...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's
Fender Reverb
> >tank
> >Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:08:33 +0200
> >
> >Hi All,
> >
> >Sorry to bother you guys again. I got an offer from someone to
sell me a
> >blonde reissiue 63 reverb tank made in the late 80's bigin 90ties.
> >Accourding to the seller it comes with new built in, and extra
> >(seperate) The asking price is not that much as it is ussually
> >(arround 425 US $) (new price is now a massive 800$)
> >And I hope to get it for a bit less. But how good are these early
> >nineties reissue reverbs? I found the new 2002 reissue a played on
> >to harsh sounding, and if necesary I would like not to mod it first
> >thing.
> >
> >All you opinions will be most welcome,
> >
> >TIA,
> >
> >Jerry S.
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*


ipongrac - 14 Jun 2003 11:44:05

Dano, I'm with you, buddy!! Just a few days ago, I plugged in my
favorite reverb unit (modded blonde reissue with NOS tubes) after not
having played it in a few months. Well, no sound going through at
all. So I plugged in my other reverb unit (modded brown reissue with
NOS tubes), and left the blonde alone. This morning I plugged it in
again to see if it was just under the weather, but no, nothing going
through, no signal, though the last time I played it it was just
fine. Checked the fuse, swapped all the tubes out, checked the
connections, still nothing. Took off the back panel to see if
anything is obviously wrong. Nothing. Then I hit it pretty
violently a few times, and all of a sudden, there's the sound!
However, very little reverb. Checked the latch, everything is fine.
Oh well. Now I need to find someone to repair the thing for me -
GOOD LUCK! Repairmen that even know what a reverb unit even is are
pretty rare. What a pain....
--- In , "-=Dan Ware=-"
<reverbtank@h...> wrote:
> All reverb tanks are EVIL! EVIL!!!
> My recent chronological list of reverb tank events:
> -vintage '66 stops passing reverb signal - just dry guitar
> -vintage '66 comes back from the tech with NOS spring tray and
> like ass, so I leave it home
> -Reissue craps out mid-performance at the block island music
festival. I
> thought I heard my showman vibrato going but it was the reverb
return signal
> dropping in and out. Rocking back and forth yields no results
> intermittent crashing springs, a 10" drop onto the stage does the
trick and
> whips the crowd into a frenzy.
> I've grown to feel like I should be bringing a set of fine china
to shows
> instead of my reverb would probably take the punishment
a lot
> better. (Punishment being defined as ginger would
think we
> had vials of nitroglycerin inside these things)
> Someone needs to build one that can take a little "handling".
> To answer your question Jerry, I think the tank would be a safe
bet for
> such short money. If you just cant grow to like the tone, you can
at least
> get your money back, maybe more...but be wary of the low
price...could be an
> effort just to get rid of a headache.
> -Dano
> -=The Nebulas=-
> >From: "Jerry" <jerry.soetewey@b...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's
Fender Reverb
> >tank
> >Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:08:33 +0200
> >
> >Hi All,
> >
> >Sorry to bother you guys again. I got an offer from someone to
sell me a
> >blonde reissiue 63 reverb tank made in the late 80's bigin 90ties.
> >Accourding to the seller it comes with new built in, and extra
> >(seperate) The asking price is not that much as it is ussually
> >(arround 425 US $) (new price is now a massive 800$)
> >And I hope to get it for a bit less. But how good are these early
> >nineties reissue reverbs? I found the new 2002 reissue a played on
> >to harsh sounding, and if necesary I would like not to mod it first
> >thing.
> >
> >All you opinions will be most welcome,
> >
> >TIA,
> >
> >Jerry S.
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*


Dick Messick (flatwound01) - 15 Jun 2003 17:39:49

This almost sounds like the start of a '50's B-movie - "Revenge of the
Reverb Tanks"! If nothing else, those units can be pretty fiesty, I guess.
I'm just about to go and test my 6G15 reverb unit kit (finally finished
building it!) - hopefully it won't smoke!
Did you check the RCA cable that goes to/from the reverb pan, Ivan? I've
heard stories of those things going south mysteriously (and intermittently).
My RI tank has some pretty sharp angles in the cords, and I could see where
they might short out some day. Just a thought - don't know if that's the
problem or not, but it you can check the continuity in those cords, it might
save a frustrating search for a tech . . .
Good luck with the fix!
----- Original Message -----
From: "ipongrac" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Re: Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's Fender
Reverb tank
> Dano, I'm with you, buddy!! Just a few days ago, I plugged in my
> favorite reverb unit (modded blonde reissue with NOS tubes) after not
> having played it in a few months. Well, no sound going through at
> all. So I plugged in my other reverb unit (modded brown reissue with
> NOS tubes), and left the blonde alone. This morning I plugged it in
> again to see if it was just under the weather, but no, nothing going
> through, no signal, though the last time I played it it was just
> fine. Checked the fuse, swapped all the tubes out, checked the
> connections, still nothing. Took off the back panel to see if
> anything is obviously wrong. Nothing. Then I hit it pretty
> violently a few times, and all of a sudden, there's the sound!
> However, very little reverb. Checked the latch, everything is fine.
> Oh well. Now I need to find someone to repair the thing for me -
> GOOD LUCK! Repairmen that even know what a reverb unit even is are
> pretty rare. What a pain....
> --- In , "-=Dan Ware=-"
> <reverbtank@h...> wrote:
> > All reverb tanks are EVIL! EVIL!!!
> >
> > My recent chronological list of reverb tank events:
> >
> > -vintage '66 stops passing reverb signal - just dry guitar
> >
> > -vintage '66 comes back from the tech with NOS spring tray and
> sounds
> > like ass, so I leave it home
> >
> > -Reissue craps out mid-performance at the block island music
> festival. I
> > thought I heard my showman vibrato going but it was the reverb
> return signal
> > dropping in and out. Rocking back and forth yields no results
> except
> > intermittent crashing springs, a 10" drop onto the stage does the
> trick and
> > whips the crowd into a frenzy.
> >
> > I've grown to feel like I should be bringing a set of fine china
> to shows
> > instead of my reverb would probably take the punishment
> a lot
> > better. (Punishment being defined as ginger would
> think we
> > had vials of nitroglycerin inside these things)
> >
> > Someone needs to build one that can take a little "handling".
> >
> > To answer your question Jerry, I think the tank would be a safe
> bet for
> > such short money. If you just cant grow to like the tone, you can
> at least
> > get your money back, maybe more...but be wary of the low
> price...could be an
> > effort just to get rid of a headache.
> >
> >
> >
> > -Dano
> > -=The Nebulas=-
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: "Jerry" <jerry.soetewey@b...>
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To: <>
> > >Subject: [SurfGuitar101] Opinions on a late 80ties bigin 90's
> Fender Reverb
> > >tank
> > >Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 08:08:33 +0200
> > >
> > >Hi All,
> > >
> > >Sorry to bother you guys again. I got an offer from someone to
> sell me a
> > >blonde reissiue 63 reverb tank made in the late 80's bigin 90ties.
> > >Accourding to the seller it comes with new built in, and extra
> tubes
> > >(seperate) The asking price is not that much as it is ussually
> here.
> > >(arround 425 US $) (new price is now a massive 800$)
> > >And I hope to get it for a bit less. But how good are these early
> > >nineties reissue reverbs? I found the new 2002 reissue a played on
> way
> > >to harsh sounding, and if necesary I would like not to mod it first
> > >thing.
> > >
> > >All you opinions will be most welcome,
> > >
> > >TIA,
> > >
> > >Jerry S.
> > >
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*
> >
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> .
> Visit for archived messages,
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Jerry (whipeoutboy63) - 16 Jun 2003 00:01:55

Hi Guys,
I did it. I bought a (1998) reissue blond reverb tank and it works.
It needs a little fixing, not bad, just the for the springs holding the
reverb pan in place are a bit loose and one is a bit bended.
And strangly the reverb lock is missing...but I got 50 Euro of the price
and the seller prommised me he will pay me back the repairs.
The good thing is that all GT tubes are replaced bij new U.S. tubes,
which makes the overall harshness of the thing a lot better. Ans I also
got a spare 12AT7 and a 7025.
So if anyone has a spare Locking mechanism that he want's to get rid of,
please let me know.
Also what set of small springs do I need to replace the ones holding the
reverb pan in place?
Appart from that the reverb works really nice and sounds really wet.
Jery S. from Belgium


DP (noetical1) - 16 Jun 2003 09:53:38

Congratulations, dude...
I love my blonde '63 RI tank...
no problems yet...but, then again, I haven't been
on-the-road with it yet.
--- Jerry <> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I did it. I bought a (1998) reissue blond reverb tank and
> it works.
> It needs a little fixing, not bad, just the for the
> springs holding the
> reverb pan in place are a bit loose and one is a bit
> bended.
> And strangly the reverb lock is missing...but I got 50
> Euro of the price
> and the seller prommised me he will pay me back the
> repairs.
> The good thing is that all GT tubes are replaced bij new
> U.S. tubes,
> which makes the overall harshness of the thing a lot
> better. Ans I also
> got a spare 12AT7 and a 7025.
> So if anyone has a spare Locking mechanism that he want's
> to get rid of,
> please let me know.
> Also what set of small springs do I need to replace the
> ones holding the
> reverb pan in place?
> Appart from that the reverb works really nice and sounds
> really wet.
> Jery S. from Belgium
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