Hey all,
Just a reminder that The Nebulas will be performing tomorrow night at
Tobacco Road in NYC following the Dick Dale show. This isn't just any ol'
surf show, nosireeyou...
This one is "Dusty Watson's Surf All-Stars"! (Dusty is Dick's drummer for
those of you who dont know)!!
On the bill are The Nebulas performing with Dusty on drums for a few, as
well as some good ol "Nebulas-as-you-know-it" with our native drummer,
TooFastJim rushing the tempo for you! We'll also be sharing the stage with
The Queers and Dusty will be playing a few with them as well.
This is gonna be a LATE one, so sleep in tomorrow morning as the show
doesn't even begin until after Dick's show is over which will probably end
between 12:30 and 1. As a special, if you tell the bartenders at Tobacco
Road that "The Nebulas sent you", you still get to pay full price for a Red
Bull from the bar!
At any rate, Tobacco Road is 355 W. 41st St. (Ninth Ave.) New York, NY
(212) 947-1188
That is all.
-=The Nebulas=-
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