Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've posted anything hope
evryone is doing alright. Well, heres the deal. Right now I play
through a Reissue 65 Twin Reverb(bought it brand new.) I enjoy this
amp very well. But lugging this 90lb beast to practice every week can
be a drag. So I've been looking around for something a bit lighter.
At the local vintage guitar-amp shop I laid my eyes on a Silverface
Deluxe Reverb. Played it and the reverb sounds lush and warm, I could
just imagine how it would sound with my tank! I was only able to play
it at about 3 or so. The guy at the shop said he would be able to
work out a trade w me.
Does anyone out there use one of these for surf? Does it have enough
power to play small venues? I've read somewhere that the RI Deluxe
Reverb will start to break up at a volume of around 7. Would this be
different because its a Silverface? Would I be making a mistake? Any
input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks alot -Landlocked in Tx.--
the delux is a fun amp for surf but the twin is
better,,,all in all look for a 64-66 showman head
fender cabinet and reverb box about $1000, but for
surf it's all you'll ever need plus 100 watts that has
a warm break up at volume setting 6-10
--- Landlocked <> wrote:
> Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've
> posted anything hope
> evryone is doing alright. Well, heres the deal.
> Right now I play
> through a Reissue 65 Twin Reverb(bought it brand
> new.) I enjoy this
> amp very well. But lugging this 90lb beast to
> practice every week can
> be a drag. So I've been looking around for something
> a bit lighter.
> At the local vintage guitar-amp shop I laid my eyes
> on a Silverface
> Deluxe Reverb. Played it and the reverb sounds lush
> and warm, I could
> just imagine how it would sound with my tank! I was
> only able to play
> it at about 3 or so. The guy at the shop said he
> would be able to
> work out a trade w me.
> Does anyone out there use one of these for surf?
> Does it have enough
> power to play small venues? I've read somewhere that
> the RI Deluxe
> Reverb will start to break up at a volume of around
> 7. Would this be
> different because its a Silverface? Would I be
> making a mistake? Any
> input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks alot
> -Landlocked in Tx.--
> P}}*
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dude, I use a '65 bassman 100, 4x12 fender bassman cabinet
and a fender RI reverb unit. More guitar power than I ever
need onstage (I play at levels in the 5-7 range)...and I
can also play my danelectro bass through this rig when I'm
serving as bass dude.
Not a traditional setup, but one that works well...the lows
and mids are powerful and the highs are crisp and
chime-like. (ps I think old Brian Setzer uses a '50s style
bassman for his work with the Orchestra.)
good luck,
--- ian pannell <> wrote:
> the delux is a fun amp for surf but the twin is
> better,,,all in all look for a 64-66 showman head
> fender cabinet and reverb box about $1000, but for
> surf it's all you'll ever need plus 100 watts that has
> a warm break up at volume setting 6-10
> --- Landlocked <> wrote:
> > Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've
> > posted anything hope
> > evryone is doing alright. Well, heres the deal.
> > Right now I play
> > through a Reissue 65 Twin Reverb(bought it brand
> > new.) I enjoy this
> > amp very well. But lugging this 90lb beast to
> > practice every week can
> > be a drag. So I've been looking around for something
> > a bit lighter.
> > At the local vintage guitar-amp shop I laid my eyes
> > on a Silverface
> > Deluxe Reverb. Played it and the reverb sounds lush
> > and warm, I could
> > just imagine how it would sound with my tank! I was
> > only able to play
> > it at about 3 or so. The guy at the shop said he
> > would be able to
> > work out a trade w me.
> >
> > Does anyone out there use one of these for surf?
> > Does it have enough
> > power to play small venues? I've read somewhere that
> > the RI Deluxe
> > Reverb will start to break up at a volume of around
> > 7. Would this be
> > different because its a Silverface? Would I be
> > making a mistake? Any
> > input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks alot
> > -Landlocked in Tx.--
> > P}}*
> >
> >
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I use a deluxe and it is warm and as smooth as butter
it's probably not the 'correct' surf sound but it will definitely make all
the kitties in the room tingle.
on the positive side, it's light, easy to carry, it's LOUD, in fact its the
loudest 22 watts I've ever heard
on the negative side, from what I understand many people replace the stock
speaker and tubes when they buy a brand new one
I think the NOS tubes handle the power better or something. I don't know,
mine was used and came modified. I think you can find some info on harmony
central about this
I also use the extension speaker jack to plug into another cab to disperse
the sound a bit. the cab is a marshall 2-12 closed back with a couple of
celestions in it
it helps to tighten up the sound.
overall, I can't say enough good things about my experience with this amp -
I love it
for me this works also because I'm trying to craft my own sound and this amp
is the 'key' to that
but then again all of this is pretty subjective.
good luck,
jimmy dana
the sonars
-----Original Message-----
From: ian pannell [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [SurfGuitar101] Amp Advice Please!
the delux is a fun amp for surf but the twin is
better,,,all in all look for a 64-66 showman head
fender cabinet and reverb box about $1000, but for
surf it's all you'll ever need plus 100 watts that has
a warm break up at volume setting 6-10
--- Landlocked <> wrote:
> Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've
> posted anything hope
> evryone is doing alright. Well, heres the deal.
> Right now I play
> through a Reissue 65 Twin Reverb(bought it brand
> new.) I enjoy this
> amp very well. But lugging this 90lb beast to
> practice every week can
> be a drag. So I've been looking around for something
> a bit lighter.
> At the local vintage guitar-amp shop I laid my eyes
> on a Silverface
> Deluxe Reverb. Played it and the reverb sounds lush
> and warm, I could
> just imagine how it would sound with my tank! I was
> only able to play
> it at about 3 or so. The guy at the shop said he
> would be able to
> work out a trade w me.
> Does anyone out there use one of these for surf?
> Does it have enough
> power to play small venues? I've read somewhere that
> the RI Deluxe
> Reverb will start to break up at a volume of around
> 7. Would this be
> different because its a Silverface? Would I be
> making a mistake? Any
> input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks alot
> -Landlocked in Tx.--
> P}}*
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I've got a 64 deluxe that I use for practice at home. I love the amp.
I've tried to use it at a few band rehearsals but unless we're
practicing at a very low volume it breaks up too soon. It does sound
awsome at 3-5. It definitely sounds dirty by 7.
There are some things you can do to give it a little headroom. Changing
to a cleaner speaker (JBL, Weber California, ...) will help. Some guys
change the power tube to use a 6L6. I don't really think it's worth all
that. If you need to be clean, use your twin.
> --- Landlocked <> wrote:
> > Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've
> > posted anything hope
> > evryone is doing alright. Well, heres the deal.
> > Right now I play
> > through a Reissue 65 Twin Reverb(bought it brand
> > new.) I enjoy this
> > amp very well. But lugging this 90lb beast to
> > practice every week can
> > be a drag. So I've been looking around for something
> > a bit lighter.
> > At the local vintage guitar-amp shop I laid my eyes
> > on a Silverface
> > Deluxe Reverb. Played it and the reverb sounds lush
> > and warm, I could
> > just imagine how it would sound with my tank! I was
> > only able to play
> > it at about 3 or so. The guy at the shop said he
> > would be able to
> > work out a trade w me.
> >
> > Does anyone out there use one of these for surf?
> > Does it have enough
> > power to play small venues? I've read somewhere that
> > the RI Deluxe
> > Reverb will start to break up at a volume of around
> > 7. Would this be
> > different because its a Silverface? Would I be
> > making a mistake? Any
> > input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks alot
> > -Landlocked in Tx.--
> > P}}*
> >
> >
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