$500 will cover airfare for about 1 Nebula - gear shipment not included.
Which one do you want? I don't know how much it costs to fly from Nova
Scotia, but it would probably be alot more of that colored Canadian money
with the exchange rates the way they are.
>Hows about flying the Nebulas and Canada's Urban Surf Kings out for
>East Coast representation...sigh
>Still below 32 Farenhite here in Canada,
--- In , "toofastjim" <toofastjim@e...>
> $500 will cover airfare for about 1 Nebula - gear shipment not
> Which one do you want? I don't know how much it costs to fly from
> Scotia, but it would probably be alot more of that colored Canadian
> with the exchange rates the way they are.
> -tfj-
It would be cheaper by dog sled...