All those in the Chicago area, a show not to be missed:
Surf music fans will converge Sunday March 30th for a Big Kahuna of an
event. The Mid-Coast Surfer's Stomp featuring Instro/Surf bands from all
over the Midwest. Destination:Earth from Indianapolis, Indiana, kick off the
evening with their spaced out sound while Madison, Wisconsin's own Knuckle
Drager roar in with their wild biker fuzz. The Cocktail Preachers, from
sweet home Chicago finish off the night with their martini soaked
The venue is Phyllis' Musical Inn, 1800 W. Division St, Chicago
773-486-9862. Cover
is only $3.00 and the show kicks off at 9:00pm. There will also be Tiki art
displayed by
local artist Dave Krys, who recently designed the night club Rock-A-Tiki, a
block down from Phyllis'. Reverb soaked entertainment all night.
For more information, visit:
Phil Tiki
The Cocktail Preachers
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